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Распродажа средств измерения качества воды

С 15 января по 15 марта 2025 года АО «Астрал СНГ» запускает распродажу средств измерения качества воды.

Распродажа средств измерения качества воды

Химические реагенты

Тестеры и перезаправки

Широкий ассортимент светодиодных светильников

Светодиодные светильники AstralPool идеально подходят для обновления существующего дизайна освещения бассейна или создания нового.

Широкий ассортимент светодиодных светильников


Лампы, стекла и декоративные кольца

Подводная музыкальная система

Системы управления

Ниши и втулки

Трансформаторы и принадлежности

Легендарные разделители дорожек "Moscow"

Разделители дорожек "Moscow" соответствуют требованиям Международной федерации плавания (FINA) и поставляются в собранном виде с поплавками.

Легендарные разделители дорожек

Разделители дорожек

Стартовые тумбы, поворотные панели, подиумы


Оборудование для бассейна

Окружающее бассейн оборудование

Аттракционы и противотоки

Закладные элементы


Спортивное оборудование

Очистка бассейна


$arResult array (6)
ITEMS => array (1)
2025 => array (1)
Январь => array (1)
0 => array (116)
PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => string (10) "22.01.2025"
~PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => string (10) "22.01.2025"
PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE_ID => string (10) "1017575495"
2002-03-31 11:51:35 UTC
~PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE_ID => string (10) "1017575495"
2002-03-31 11:51:35 UTC
ID => string (9) "808571367"
1995-08-16 11:09:27 UTC
~ID => string (9) "808571367"
1995-08-16 11:09:27 UTC
TIMESTAMP_X => string (19) "13.01.2025 15:40:00"
~TIMESTAMP_X => string (19) "13.01.2025 15:40:00"
TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX => string (10) "1736772000"
2025-01-13 12:40:00 UTC
~TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX => string (10) "1736772000"
2025-01-13 12:40:00 UTC
MODIFIED_BY => string (3) "121"
~MODIFIED_BY => string (3) "121"
DATE_CREATE => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:21:07"
~DATE_CREATE => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:21:07"
DATE_CREATE_UNIX => string (10) "1736756467"
2025-01-13 08:21:07 UTC
~DATE_CREATE_UNIX => string (10) "1736756467"
2025-01-13 08:21:07 UTC
CREATED_BY => string (3) "123"
~CREATED_BY => string (3) "123"
IBLOCK_ID => string (2) "41"
~IBLOCK_ID => string (2) "41"
IBLOCK_SECTION_ID => string (5) "18097"
~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID => string (5) "18097"
ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
~ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
~ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
~ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
DATE_ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
DATE_ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
~DATE_ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
SORT => string (3) "500"
~SORT => string (3) "500"
NAME => UTF-8 string (50) "АО «Астрал СНГ» на конференции Pool M Russia 2025 "
~NAME => UTF-8 string (50) "АО «Астрал СНГ» на конференции Pool M Russia 2025 "
PREVIEW_PICTURE => string (8) "12042079"
~PREVIEW_PICTURE => string (8) "12042079"
PREVIEW_TEXT => string (0) ""
~PREVIEW_TEXT => string (0) ""
PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
DETAIL_TEXT => string (0) ""
~DETAIL_TEXT => string (0) ""
DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"


WF_STATUS_ID => string (1) "1"
~WF_STATUS_ID => string (1) "1"
WF_NEW => null
~WF_NEW => null
LOCK_STATUS => string (5) "green"
rgb(0, 128, 0)
hsl(120, 100%, 25%)
~LOCK_STATUS => string (5) "green"
rgb(0, 128, 0)
hsl(120, 100%, 25%)
WF_LOCKED_BY => null
~WF_LOCKED_BY => null
WF_DATE_LOCK => null
~WF_DATE_LOCK => null
~WF_COMMENTS => null
IN_SECTIONS => string (1) "Y"
~IN_SECTIONS => string (1) "Y"
SHOW_COUNTER => string (2) "11"
~SHOW_COUNTER => string (2) "11"
SHOW_COUNTER_START => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:30:15"
~SHOW_COUNTER_START => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:30:15"
SHOW_COUNTER_START_X => string (19) "2025-01-13 11:30:15"
~SHOW_COUNTER_START_X => string (19) "2025-01-13 11:30:15"
CODE => string (48) "ao-astral-sng-na-konferentsii-pool-m-russia-2025"
~CODE => string (48) "ao-astral-sng-na-konferentsii-pool-m-russia-2025"
TAGS => string (0) ""
~TAGS => string (0) ""
XML_ID => string (1) "1"
~XML_ID => string (1) "1"
EXTERNAL_ID => string (1) "1"
~EXTERNAL_ID => string (1) "1"
TMP_ID => string (1) "0"
~TMP_ID => string (1) "0"
USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (41) "( Александр Фисенко"
~USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (41) "( Александр Фисенко"
CREATED_USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (36) "( Мария Гусева"
~CREATED_USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (36) "( Мария Гусева"
LANG_DIR => string (1) "/"
~LANG_DIR => string (1) "/"
LID => string (2) "s1"
~LID => string (2) "s1"
IBLOCK_CODE => string (0) ""
~IBLOCK_CODE => string (0) ""
IBLOCK_NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Дайджест"
~IBLOCK_NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Дайджест"
IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID => string (0) ""
~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID => string (0) ""
DETAIL_PAGE_URL => string (66) "/digest/seminary/ao-astral-sng-na-konferentsii-pool-m-russia-2025/"
~DETAIL_PAGE_URL => string (66) "/digest/seminary/ao-astral-sng-na-konferentsii-pool-m-russia-2025/"
LIST_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
~LIST_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
~CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
CREATED_DATE => string (10) "2025.01.13"
~CREATED_DATE => string (10) "2025.01.13"
BP_PUBLISHED => string (1) "Y"
~BP_PUBLISHED => string (1) "Y"
PROP => array (3)
MORE_PHOTO => array (36) Depth Limit
DATE => array (36) Depth Limit
LINK => array (36) Depth Limit
EDIT_LINK => string (173) "/bitrix/admin/iblock_element_edit.php?IBLOCK_ID=41&type=ASTRALPOOL&ID=808571...
DELETE_LINK => string (126) "/bitrix/admin/iblock_element_admin.php?IBLOCK_ID=41&type=ASTRALPOOL&lang=ru&...
PICTURE => string (8) "12042079"
NAV_STRING => string (0) ""
IBLOCK => array (90)
ID => string (2) "41"
~ID => string (2) "41"
TIMESTAMP_X => string (19) "02.12.2024 10:05:07"
~TIMESTAMP_X => string (19) "02.12.2024 10:05:07"
LID => string (2) "s1"
~LID => string (2) "s1"
CODE => string (0) ""
~CODE => string (0) ""
API_CODE => null
~API_CODE => null
NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Дайджест"
~NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Дайджест"
ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
~ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
SORT => string (3) "500"
~SORT => string (3) "500"
LIST_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
~LIST_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
DETAIL_PAGE_URL => string (38) "/digest/#SECTION_CODE#/#ELEMENT_CODE#/"
~DETAIL_PAGE_URL => string (38) "/digest/#SECTION_CODE#/#ELEMENT_CODE#/"
SECTION_PAGE_URL => string (23) "/digest/#SECTION_CODE#/"
~SECTION_PAGE_URL => string (23) "/digest/#SECTION_CODE#/"
CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
~CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
PICTURE => null
~PICTURE => null
DESCRIPTION => string (0) ""
~DESCRIPTION => string (0) ""
DESCRIPTION_TYPE => string (4) "text"
~DESCRIPTION_TYPE => string (4) "text"
RSS_TTL => string (2) "24"
~RSS_TTL => string (2) "24"
RSS_ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
~RSS_ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
RSS_FILE_ACTIVE => string (1) "N"
~RSS_FILE_ACTIVE => string (1) "N"
~RSS_FILE_DAYS => null
RSS_YANDEX_ACTIVE => string (1) "N"
~RSS_YANDEX_ACTIVE => string (1) "N"
XML_ID => string (0) ""
~XML_ID => string (0) ""
TMP_ID => string (32) "7114bb51b6f364e2953ed83dbc7f0682"
~TMP_ID => string (32) "7114bb51b6f364e2953ed83dbc7f0682"
INDEX_ELEMENT => string (1) "Y"
~INDEX_ELEMENT => string (1) "Y"
INDEX_SECTION => string (1) "N"
~INDEX_SECTION => string (1) "N"
WORKFLOW => string (1) "N"
~WORKFLOW => string (1) "N"
BIZPROC => string (1) "N"
~BIZPROC => string (1) "N"
SECTION_CHOOSER => string (1) "L"
~SECTION_CHOOSER => string (1) "L"
LIST_MODE => string (0) ""
~LIST_MODE => string (0) ""
RIGHTS_MODE => string (1) "S"
~RIGHTS_MODE => string (1) "S"
SECTION_PROPERTY => string (1) "N"
~SECTION_PROPERTY => string (1) "N"
PROPERTY_INDEX => string (1) "N"
~PROPERTY_INDEX => string (1) "N"
VERSION => string (1) "1"
~VERSION => string (1) "1"
LAST_CONV_ELEMENT => string (1) "0"
~LAST_CONV_ELEMENT => string (1) "0"
EDIT_FILE_BEFORE => string (0) ""
~EDIT_FILE_BEFORE => string (0) ""
EDIT_FILE_AFTER => string (0) ""
~EDIT_FILE_AFTER => string (0) ""
SECTIONS_NAME => UTF-8 string (7) "Разделы"
~SECTIONS_NAME => UTF-8 string (7) "Разделы"
SECTION_NAME => UTF-8 string (6) "Раздел"
~SECTION_NAME => UTF-8 string (6) "Раздел"
ELEMENTS_NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Элементы"
~ELEMENTS_NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Элементы"
ELEMENT_NAME => UTF-8 string (7) "Элемент"
~ELEMENT_NAME => UTF-8 string (7) "Элемент"
EXTERNAL_ID => string (0) ""
~EXTERNAL_ID => string (0) ""
LANG_DIR => string (1) "/"
~LANG_DIR => string (1) "/"
SERVER_NAME => string (13) ""
~SERVER_NAME => string (13) ""
NAV_OBJECT => CBitrixComponent (33)
  • Properties (33)
  • Available methods (62)
  • Static class properties (3)
  • public __name -> string (28) "bitrix:system.pagenavigation"
    private __relativePath -> string (29) "/bitrix/system.pagenavigation"
    public __path -> string (47) "/bitrix/components/bitrix/system.pagenavigation"
    private __templateName -> string (0) ""
    public __templatePage -> string (0) ""
    public __template -> CBitrixComponentTemplate (19)
    • Properties (19)
    • Available methods (37)
    • public __name -> string (8) ".default"
      public __page -> string (8) "template"
      public __engineID -> string (3) "php"
      public __file -> string (89) "/local/templates/astralpool/components/bitrix/system.pagenavigation/.default...
      public __fileAlt -> string (0) ""
      public __folder -> string (76) "/local/templates/astralpool/components/bitrix/system.pagenavigation/.default"
      public __siteTemplate -> string (10) "astralpool"
      public __templateInTheme -> boolean false
      public __hasCSS -> boolean false
      public __hasJS -> boolean false
      public __component -> CBitrixComponent (33) Recursion
      public __component_epilog -> boolean false
      public __bInited -> boolean true
      private __view -> array (0)
      private frames -> array (0)
      private frameMode -> boolean true
      private languageId -> string (2) "ru"
      private externalCss -> array (0)
      private externalJs -> array (0)
    • public __construct() Constructor.
      new \CBitrixComponentTemplate()
      * Constructor.
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:54
      public GetName(): null|string Returns name of the template.
      * Returns name of the template.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @return null|string
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:72
      public GetPageName(): null|string Returns template page.
      * Returns template page.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @return null|string
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:89
      public GetFile(): null|string Returns path to the template file within DOCUMENT_ROOT.
      * Returns path to the template file within DOCUMENT_ROOT.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @return null|string
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:106
      public GetFolder(): null|string Returns path to the template folder within DOCUMENT_ROOT.
      * Returns path to the template folder within DOCUMENT_ROOT.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @return null|string
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:123
      public GetSiteTemplate(): null|string Returns site template name.
      * Returns site template name.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @return null|string
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:140
      public IsInTheme(): null|boolean Returns true if template belongs to another template of an complex component.
      * Returns true if template belongs to another template of an complex component.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @return null|boolean
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:157
      public setLanguageId($languageId): void Sets template language identifier.
      * Sets template language identifier.
      * @param string $languageId
      * @return void
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:172
      public getLanguageId(): string Returns template language.
      * Returns template language.
      * @return string
      * @see CBitrixcomponentTemplate::setLanguageId
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:184
      public GetCachedData(): null|array Returns data to be stored in the component cache.
      * Returns data to be stored in the component cache.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @return null|array
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::ApplyCachedData
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:199
      public ApplyCachedData($arData): void Performs actions on cached hit.
      * Performs actions on cached hit.
      * @param array $arData
      * @return void
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::GetCachedData
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:253
      public InitTemplateEngines($arTemplateEngines = array()): void Called automatically on first usage of related functions.
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->InitTemplateEngines($arTemplateEngines = array())
      * Called automatically on first usage of related functions.
      * @param array $arTemplateEngines Array of engines to add.
      * @return void
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:332
      public Init(&$component, $siteTemplate = false, $customTemplatePath = ''): boolean Have to be called before any template usage. Returns true on success.
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->Init(&$component, $siteTemplate = false, $customTemplatePath = '')
      * Have to be called before any template usage.
      * Returns true on success.
      * @param CBitrixComponent $component Parent component.
      * @param boolean|string $siteTemplate Site template name.
      * @param string $customTemplatePath Additional path to look for template in.
      * @return boolean
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:373
      public __SearchTemplateFile($path, $fileName): false|string Search file by its path and name without extention.
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->__SearchTemplateFile($path, $fileName)
      * Search file by its path and name without extention.
      * @param string $path Directory.
      * @param string $fileName File name (without extention).
      * @return false|string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:448
      public __SearchTemplate($customTemplatePath = ''): false|string Search template by its name in various locations. <ol> <li>/local/templates/&lt;...
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->__SearchTemplate($customTemplatePath = '')
      * Search template by its name in various locations.
      * <ol>
      * <li>/local/templates/&lt;site template&gt;/components/&lt;parent template&gt;/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/local/templates/.default/components/&lt;parent template&gt;/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/local/components/&lt;parent template&gt;/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/local/templates/&lt;site template&gt;/components/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/local/templates/.default/components/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/local/components/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/&lt;BX_PERSONAL_ROOT&gt;/templates/&lt;site template&gt;/components/&lt;parent template&gt;/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/&lt;BX_PERSONAL_ROOT&gt;/templates/.default/components/&lt;parent template&gt;/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/bitrix/components/&lt;parent template&gt;/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/&lt;BX_PERSONAL_ROOT&gt;/templates/&lt;site template&gt;/components/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/&lt;BX_PERSONAL_ROOT&gt;/templates/.default/components/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * <li>/bitrix/components/&lt;component path&gt;/
      * </ol>
      * @param string $customTemplatePath
      * @return false|string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:496
      public __IncludePHPTemplate(&$arResult, &$arParams, $parentTemplateFolder = ''): false|void Executes template.php via include function.
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->__IncludePHPTemplate(&$arResult, &$arParams, $parentTemplateFolder = '')
      * Executes template.php via include function.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @param array &$arResult Result of the component calculations.
      * @param array &$arParams Parameters of the component call.
      * @param string $parentTemplateFolder Parent template.
      * @return false|void
      * @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:696
      public IncludeTemplate(&$arResult): false|void Executes template using appropriate template engine.
      * Executes template using appropriate template engine.
      * Requires Init call before usage.
      * @param array &$arResult
      * @return false|void
      * @see CBitrixComponentTemplate::Init
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:767
      public IncludeLangFile($relativePath = '', $lang = false, $return = false): array Includes template language file.
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->IncludeLangFile($relativePath = '', $lang = false, $return = false)
      * Includes template language file.
      * @param string $relativePath
      * @param false|string $lang
      * @param boolean $return
      * @return array
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:835
      public __IncludeMutatorFile(&$arResult, &$arParams): void
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->__IncludeMutatorFile(&$arResult, &$arParams)
      * @param array &$arResult
      * @param array &$arParams
      * @return void
      * @internal
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:872
      public __IncludeCSSFile(): void
      * @return void
      * @internal
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:891
      public __IncludeJSFile(): void
      * @return void
      * @internal
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:916
      public __GetTemplateExtension($templateName): string
      * @param string $templateName File name.
      * @return string
      * @internal
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:942
      public __GetTemplateEngine(): void
      * @return void
      * @internal
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:953
      public SetViewTarget($target, $pos = 500): void Begins special output which will be showed by $APPLICATION->ShowViewContent.
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->SetViewTarget($target, $pos = 500)
      * Begins special output which will be showed by $APPLICATION->ShowViewContent.
      * @param string $target Code name of the area.
      * @param integer $pos Sort index.
      * @return void
      * @see CMain::ShowViewContent
      * @see CBitrixcomponentTemplate::EndViewTarget
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:978
      public EndViewTarget(): void Ends special output which will be showed by $APPLICATION->ShowViewContent.
      * Ends special output which will be showed by $APPLICATION->ShowViewContent.
      * @return void
      * @see CMain::ShowViewContent
      * @see CBitrixcomponentTemplate::SetViewTarget
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:997
      public AddEditAction($entryId, $editLink, $editTitle = false, $arParams = array()): void Shows menu with edit action in edit mode. <code> $this->AddEditAction( 'USER'.$a...
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->AddEditAction($entryId, $editLink, $editTitle = false, $arParams = array())
      * Shows menu with edit action in edit mode.
      * <code>
      * $this->AddEditAction(
      * 	'USER'.$arUser['ID'],
      * 	$arUser['EDIT_LINK'],
      * 	GetMessage('INTR_ISP_EDIT_USER'),
      * 	array(
      * 		'WINDOW' => array("width"=>780, "height"=>500), // popup params
      * 		'ICON' => 'bx-context-toolbar-edit-icon' // icon css
      * 		'SRC' => '/bitrix/images/myicon.gif' // icon image
      * 	)
      * );
      * </code>
      * @param string $entryId Entry identifier. prefix like 'USER' needed only in case when template has two or more lists of different editable entities.
      * @param string $editLink Edit form link, Should be set in a component. Will be opened in js popup.
      * @param false|string $editTitle Button caption.
      * @param array $arParams Additional parameters.
      * @return void
      * @see CBitrixcomponentTemplate::GetEditAreaId
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1048
      public AddDeleteAction($entryId, $deleteLink, $deleteTitle = false, $arParams = array()): void Shows menu with delete action in edit mode. <ul> $arParams['CONFIRM'] = false - ...
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->AddDeleteAction($entryId, $deleteLink, $deleteTitle = false, $arParams = array())
      * Shows menu with delete action in edit mode.
      * <ul>
      * $arParams['CONFIRM'] = false - disable confirm;
      * $arParams['CONFIRM'] = 'Text' - confirm with custom text;
      * no $arParams['CONFIRM'] at all - confirm with default text
      * </ul>
      * @param string $entryId Entry identifier. prefix like 'USER' needed only in case when template has two or more lists of different editable entities.
      * @param string $deleteLink Delete action link, Should be set in a component.
      * @param false|string $deleteTitle Button caption.
      * @param array $arParams Additional parameters.
      * @return void
      * @see CBitrixcomponentTemplate::GetEditAreaId
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1069
      public GetEditAreaId($entryId): string Returns identifier to mark an html element as a container for highlight.
      * Returns identifier to mark an html element as a container for highlight.
      * <code>
      * &lt;tr id="&lt;?=$this-&gt;GetEditAreaId('USER'.$arUser['ID']);?&gt;"&gt;
      * </code>
      * @param $entryId
      * @return string
      * @see CBitrixcomponentTemplate::AddEditAction
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1086
      public randString($length = 6): string Function returns next pseudo random value.
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->randString($length = 6)
      * Function returns next pseudo random value.
      * @param int $length
      * @return string
      * @see \Bitrix\Main\Type\RandomSequence::randString
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1099
      public setFrameMode($mode): void Marks a template as capable of composite mode.
      * Marks a template as capable of composite mode.
      * @param bool $mode
      * @return void
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1111
      public getFrameMode(): bool Returns frame mode
      * Returns frame mode
      * @return bool
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1123
      public getRealFrameMode()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1145
      public createFrame($id = null, $autoContainer = true): Bitrix\Main\Composite\BufferArea Returns new frame helper object to work with composite frame.
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__template->createFrame($id = null, $autoContainer = true)
      * Returns new frame helper object to work with composite frame.
      * <code>
      * $frame = $this->createFrame()->begin("");
      * echo "10@".(time()+15);
      * $frame->end();
      * </code>
      * @param string $id
      * @param bool $autoContainer
      * @return Bitrix\Main\Composite\BufferArea
      * @see Bitrix\Main\Composite\BufferArea
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1165
      public addExternalCss($cssPath): void Shows css file in the head of html. Supports caching.
      * Shows css file in the head of html.
      * Supports caching.
      * @param string $cssPath Path to css file.
      * @return void
      * @see CMain::SetAdditionalCSS
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1193
      public addExternalJs($jsPath): void Shows js file in the head of html. Supports caching.
      * Shows js file in the head of html.
      * Supports caching.
      * @param string $jsPath Path to js file.
      * @return void
      * @see CMain::AddHeadScript
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1213
      public getComponent(): CBitrixComponent A bit more civilised method of getting the parent component.
      * A bit more civilised method of getting the parent component.
      * @return CBitrixComponent
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:1228
      public static CheckName($name): boolean Checks the template name for correctness. Letters, digits, minus, underscore and...
      * Checks the template name for correctness.
      * Letters, digits, minus, underscore and dots are allowed.
      * @param string $name Name of the template.
      * @return boolean
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_template.php:435
    private __component_epilog -> boolean false
    public arParams -> array (8)
    NAV_TITLE => UTF-8 string (8) "Страницы"
    NAV_RESULT => CIBlockResult (51)
    • Properties (51)
    • Available methods (38)
    • public arIBlockMultProps -> array (0)
      public arIBlockConvProps -> array (1)
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => array (2)
      ConvertFromDB => array (2) Depth Limit
      PROPERTY => array (29) Depth Limit
      public arIBlockAllProps -> array (0)
      public arIBlockNumProps -> array (0)
      public arIBlockLongProps -> array (0)
      public nInitialSize -> null
      public table_id -> null
      public strDetailUrl -> boolean false
      public strSectionUrl -> boolean false
      public strListUrl -> boolean false
      public arSectionContext -> boolean false
      public bIBlockSection -> boolean false
      public nameTemplate -> string (0) ""
      public _LAST_IBLOCK_ID -> string (2) "41"
      public _FILTER_IBLOCK_ID -> array (1)
      41 => boolean true
      public result -> mysqli_result (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • Available methods (14)
      • Iterator
      • public current_field -> null
        public field_count -> null
        public lengths -> null
        public num_rows -> null
        public type -> null
      • public __construct()
        new \mysqli_result()
        public close()
        public free()
        public data_seek($offset)
        public fetch_field()
        public fetch_fields()
        public fetch_field_direct($field_nr)
        public fetch_all($result_type)
        public fetch_array($result_type)
        public fetch_assoc()
        public fetch_object($class_name, array $params)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->result->fetch_object($class_name, array $params)
        public fetch_row()
        public field_seek($field_nr)
        public free_result()
      • mysqli_result Iterator Contents Blacklisted
        iterator_to_array($arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->result, true)
      public arResult -> array (1)
      0 => array (56)
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => string (10) "2025-01-22"
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE_ID => string (10) "1017575495"
      2002-03-31 11:51:35 UTC
      ID => string (9) "808571367"
      1995-08-16 11:09:27 UTC
      TIMESTAMP_X => string (19) "13.01.2025 15:40:00"
      TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX => string (10) "1736772000"
      2025-01-13 12:40:00 UTC
      MODIFIED_BY => string (3) "121"
      DATE_CREATE => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:21:07"
      DATE_CREATE_UNIX => string (10) "1736756467"
      2025-01-13 08:21:07 UTC
      CREATED_BY => string (3) "123"
      IBLOCK_ID => string (2) "41"
      IBLOCK_SECTION_ID => string (5) "18097"
      ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
      ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
      ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
      DATE_ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
      DATE_ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
      SORT => string (3) "500"
      NAME => UTF-8 string (50) "АО «Астрал СНГ» на конференции Pool M Russia 2025 "
      PREVIEW_PICTURE => string (8) "12042079"
      PREVIEW_TEXT => string (0) ""
      PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
      DETAIL_PICTURE => null
      DETAIL_TEXT => string (0) ""
      DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
      WF_STATUS_ID => string (1) "1"
      WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID => null
      WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID => null
      WF_NEW => null
      LOCK_STATUS => string (5) "green"
      rgb(0, 128, 0)
      hsl(120, 100%, 25%)
      WF_LOCKED_BY => null
      WF_DATE_LOCK => null
      WF_COMMENTS => null
      IN_SECTIONS => string (1) "Y"
      SHOW_COUNTER => string (2) "11"
      SHOW_COUNTER_START => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:30:15"
      SHOW_COUNTER_START_X => string (19) "2025-01-13 11:30:15"
      CODE => string (48) "ao-astral-sng-na-konferentsii-pool-m-russia-2025"
      TAGS => string (0) ""
      XML_ID => string (1) "1"
      EXTERNAL_ID => string (1) "1"
      TMP_ID => string (1) "0"
      USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (41) "( Александр Фисенко"
      LOCKED_USER_NAME => null
      CREATED_USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (36) "( Мария Гусева"
      LANG_DIR => string (1) "/"
      LID => string (2) "s1"
      IBLOCK_TYPE_ID => string (10) "ASTRALPOOL"
      IBLOCK_CODE => string (0) ""
      IBLOCK_NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Дайджест"
      IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID => string (0) ""
      DETAIL_PAGE_URL => string (38) "/digest/#SECTION_CODE#/#ELEMENT_CODE#/"
      LIST_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
      CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
      CREATED_DATE => string (10) "2025.01.13"
      BP_PUBLISHED => string (1) "Y"
      public arReplacedAliases -> null
      public arResultAdd -> boolean false
      public bNavStart -> boolean true
      public bShowAll -> boolean true
      public NavNum -> integer 1
      public NavPageCount -> double 1
      public NavPageNomer -> integer 1
      public NavPageSize -> integer 100
      public NavShowAll -> boolean false
      public NavRecordCount -> string (1) "1"
      public bFirstPrintNav -> boolean true
      public PAGEN -> integer 1
      public SIZEN -> integer 100
      public SESS_SIZEN -> null
      public SESS_ALL -> null
      public SESS_PAGEN -> null
      public add_anchor -> string (0) ""
      public bPostNavigation -> boolean false
      public bFromArray -> boolean false
      public bFromLimited -> boolean true
      public sSessInitAdd -> string (0) ""
      public nPageWindow -> integer 5
      public nSelectedCount -> string (1) "1"
      public arGetNextCache -> array (56)
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => boolean false
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE_ID => boolean false
      ID => boolean false
      TIMESTAMP_X => boolean false
      TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX => boolean false
      MODIFIED_BY => boolean false
      DATE_CREATE => boolean false
      DATE_CREATE_UNIX => boolean false
      CREATED_BY => boolean false
      IBLOCK_ID => boolean false
      IBLOCK_SECTION_ID => boolean false
      ACTIVE => boolean false
      ACTIVE_FROM => boolean false
      ACTIVE_TO => boolean false
      DATE_ACTIVE_FROM => boolean false
      DATE_ACTIVE_TO => boolean false
      SORT => boolean false
      NAME => boolean false
      PREVIEW_PICTURE => boolean false
      PREVIEW_TEXT => boolean true
      PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE => boolean false
      DETAIL_PICTURE => boolean false
      DETAIL_TEXT => boolean true
      DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE => boolean false
      SEARCHABLE_CONTENT => boolean false
      WF_STATUS_ID => boolean false
      WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID => boolean false
      WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID => boolean false
      WF_NEW => boolean false
      LOCK_STATUS => boolean false
      WF_LOCKED_BY => boolean false
      WF_DATE_LOCK => boolean false
      WF_COMMENTS => boolean false
      IN_SECTIONS => boolean false
      SHOW_COUNTER => boolean false
      SHOW_COUNTER_START => boolean false
      SHOW_COUNTER_START_X => boolean false
      CODE => boolean false
      TAGS => boolean false
      XML_ID => boolean false
      EXTERNAL_ID => boolean false
      TMP_ID => boolean false
      USER_NAME => boolean false
      LOCKED_USER_NAME => boolean false
      CREATED_USER_NAME => boolean false
      LANG_DIR => boolean false
      LID => boolean false
      IBLOCK_TYPE_ID => boolean false
      IBLOCK_CODE => boolean false
      IBLOCK_NAME => boolean false
      IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID => boolean false
      DETAIL_PAGE_URL => boolean false
      LIST_PAGE_URL => boolean false
      CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => boolean false
      CREATED_DATE => boolean false
      BP_PUBLISHED => boolean false
      public bDescPageNumbering -> boolean false
      public arUserFields -> boolean false
      public usedUserFields -> boolean false
      public SqlTraceIndex -> boolean false
      public DB -> CDatabase (26)
      • Properties (26)
      • Available methods (65)
      • Static class properties
      • public db_Conn -> &mysqli (18)
        • Properties (18)
        • Available methods (43)
        • public affected_rows -> null
          public client_info -> null
          public client_version -> null
          public connect_errno -> null
          public connect_error -> null
          public errno -> null
          public error -> null
          public error_list -> null
          public field_count -> null
          public host_info -> null
          public info -> null
          public insert_id -> null
          public server_info -> null
          public server_version -> null
          public sqlstate -> null
          public protocol_version -> null
          public thread_id -> null
          public warning_count -> null
        • public autocommit($mode)
          public savepoint($name)
          public real_connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $flags)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->real_connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $flags)
          public real_escape_string($string_to_escape)
          public reap_async_query()
          public escape_string($string_to_escape)
          public real_query($query)
          public release_savepoint($name)
          public rollback($flags, $name)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->rollback($flags, $name)
          public select_db($database)
          public prepare($query)
          public set_charset($charset)
          public set_opt($option, $value)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->set_opt($option, $value)
          public ssl_set($key, $cert, $certificate_authority, $certificate_authority_path, $cipher)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->ssl_set($key, $cert, $certificate_authority, $certificate_authority_path, $cipher)
          public stat()
          public stmt_init()
          public store_result($flags)
          public thread_safe()
          public use_result()
          public query($query, $resultmode)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->query($query, $resultmode)
          public ping()
          public begin_transaction($flags, $name)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->begin_transaction($flags, $name)
          public get_client_info()
          public change_user($user, $password, $database)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->change_user($user, $password, $database)
          public character_set_name()
          public close()
          public commit($flags, $name)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->commit($flags, $name)
          public connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
          public dump_debug_info()
          public debug($debug_options)
          public get_charset()
          public get_connection_stats()
          public get_server_info()
          public get_warnings()
          public init()
          public kill($connection_id)
          public multi_query($query)
          public __construct($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
          new \mysqli($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
          public more_results()
          public next_result()
          public options($option, $value)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->options($option, $value)
          public refresh($options)
          public static poll(array &$read, array &$write, array &$error, $sec, $usec)
          \mysqli::poll(array &$read, array &$write, array &$error, $sec, $usec)
        public version -> null
        public escL -> string (1) "`"
        public escR -> string (1) "`"
        public alias_length -> integer 256
        public DBName -> string (13) "itsngastr2_bx"
        public DBHost -> string (9) "localhost"
        public DBLogin -> string (13) "itsngastr2_bx"
        public DBPassword -> string (11) "!2e3r3efrde"
        public bConnected -> boolean true
        public debug -> boolean false
        public DebugToFile -> null
        public ShowSqlStat -> null
        public db_Error -> string (0) ""
        public db_ErrorSQL -> null
        public result -> null
        public type -> string (5) "MYSQL"
        public column_cache -> array (0)
        public bModuleConnection -> null
        public bNodeConnection -> null
        public node_id -> null
        public obSlave -> null
        public cntQuery -> integer 0
        public timeQuery -> integer 0
        public arQueryDebug -> array (0)
        public sqlTracker -> null
      • public ConnectInternal()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:17
        public LastID()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:60
        public ForSql($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->ForSql($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:66
        public ForSqlLike($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->ForSqlLike($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:84
        public GetTableFields($table)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:102
        public GetVersion()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:25
        public StartTransaction()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:45
        public Commit()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:50
        public Rollback()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:55
        public Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword, $connectionName = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword, $connectionName = '')
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:61
        public Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:83
        public Disconnect()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:218
        public DateFormatToDB($format, $field = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->DateFormatToDB($format, $field = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:263
        public DateToCharFunction($strFieldName, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false, $bSearchInSitesOnly = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->DateToCharFunction($strFieldName, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false, $bSearchInSitesOnly = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:323
        public CharToDateFunction($strValue, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->CharToDateFunction($strValue, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:347
        public DatetimeToTimestampFunction($fieldName)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:363
        public DatetimeToDateFunction($strValue)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:378
        public CompareDates($date1, $date2)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->CompareDates($date1, $date2)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:386
        public PrepareFields($strTableName, $strPrefix = 'str_', $strSuffix = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareFields($strTableName, $strPrefix = 'str_', $strSuffix = '')
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:404
        public PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:428
        public PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false, $strTableAlias = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false, $strTableAlias = '')
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:495
        public PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, &$arBinds, $strTableAlias = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, &$arBinds, $strTableAlias = '')
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:501
        public Insert($table, $arFields, $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $EXIST_ID = '', $ignore_errors = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Insert($table, $arFields, $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $EXIST_ID = '', $ignore_errors = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:563
        public Update($table, $arFields, $WHERE = '', $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $ignore_errors = false, $additional_check = true)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Update($table, $arFields, $WHERE = '', $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $ignore_errors = false, $additional_check = true)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:602
        public Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields = array(), $strFileDir = '', $ignore_errors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields = array(), $strFileDir = '', $ignore_errors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:645
        public TopSql($strSql, $nTopCount)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->TopSql($strSql, $nTopCount)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:664
        public InitTableVarsForEdit($tablename, $strIdentFrom = 'str_', $strIdentTo = 'str_', $strSuffixFrom = '', $bAlways = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->InitTableVarsForEdit($tablename, $strIdentFrom = 'str_', $strIdentTo = 'str_', $strSuffixFrom = '', $bAlways = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:675
        public GetTableFieldsList($table)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:697
        public LockTables($str)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:704
        public UnLockTables()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:710
        public Concat()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:715
        public IsNull($expression, $result)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->IsNull($expression, $result)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:724
        public Length($field)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:729
        public ToChar($expr, $len0)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->ToChar($expr, $len0)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:734
        public TableExists($tableName)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:739
        public GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:754
        public Instr($str, $toFind)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Instr($str, $toFind)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:787
        public StartUsingMasterOnly()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:57
        public StopUsingMasterOnly()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:62
        public GetDBNodeConnection($node_id, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $bCheckStatus = true): boolean|CDatabase
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->GetDBNodeConnection($node_id, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $bCheckStatus = true)
        * @param string $node_id
        * @param boolean $bIgnoreErrors
        * @param boolean $bCheckStatus
        * @return boolean|CDatabase
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:74
        public DoConnect($connectionName = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->DoConnect($connectionName = '')
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:186
        public startSqlTracker()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:263
        public GetNowFunction()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:273
        public GetNowDate()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:278
        public Substr($str, $from, $length = null)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Substr($str, $from, $length = null)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:289
        public QueryBind($strSql, $arBinds, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->QueryBind($strSql, $arBinds, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:376
        public QueryLong($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->QueryLong($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:381
        public ParseSqlBatch($strSql, $bIncremental = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->ParseSqlBatch($strSql, $bIncremental = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:392
        public RunSQLBatch($filepath, $bIncremental = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->RunSQLBatch($filepath, $bIncremental = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:505
        public IsDate($value, $format = false, $lang = false, $format_type = 'SHORT')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->IsDate($value, $format = false, $lang = false, $format_type = 'SHORT')
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:534
        public GetErrorMessage()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:540
        public GetErrorSQL()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:550
        public DDL($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->DDL($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:560
        public addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $node_id0)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $node_id0)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:570
        public addDebugTime($index, $exec_time)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->addDebugTime($index, $exec_time)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:583
        public IndexExists($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->DB->IndexExists($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:593
        protected QueryInternal($strSql)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:45
        protected GetError()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:50
        protected DisconnectInternal($resource)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:55
        protected getThreadId()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:155
        public static CurrentTimeFunction()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:253
        public static CurrentDateFunction()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:258
        public static GetModuleConnection($module_id, $bModuleInclude = false): bool|CDatabase Returns module database connection. Can be used only if module supports sharding...
        \CAllDatabase::GetModuleConnection($module_id, $bModuleInclude = false)
        * Returns module database connection.
        * Can be used only if module supports sharding.
        * @param string $module_id
        * @param bool $bModuleInclude
        * @return bool|CDatabase
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:148
        public static DateFormatToPHP($format)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:311
        public static FormatDate($strDate, $format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS', $new_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS')
        \CAllDatabase::FormatDate($strDate, $format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS', $new_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS')
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:321
      • public static $arNodes :: array (0)
      public NavRecordCountChangeDisable -> boolean false
      public is_filtered -> boolean false
      public nStartPage -> integer 1
      public nEndPage -> double 1
      public resultObject -> null
    • public __construct($res = null)
      new \CIBlockResult($res = null)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:27
      public CIBlockResult($res)
      * @deprected
      * @param $res
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:37
      public SetUrlTemplates($DetailUrl = '', $SectionUrl = '', $ListUrl = '')
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->SetUrlTemplates($DetailUrl = '', $SectionUrl = '', $ListUrl = '')
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:42
      public SetSectionContext($arSection)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:49
      public SetIBlockTag($iblock_id)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:65
      public SetNameTemplate($nameTemplate)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:80
      public Fetch()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:85
      public GetNext($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->GetNext($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:260
      public GetNextElement($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->GetNextElement($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:406
      public SetTableID($table_id)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:418
      public NavStart($nPageSize = 20, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->NavStart($nPageSize = 20, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:423
      public GetNavPrint($title, $show_allways = true, $StyleText = '', $template_path = false, $arDeleteParam = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->GetNavPrint($title, $show_allways = true, $StyleText = '', $template_path = false, $arDeleteParam = false)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:446
      public CDBResult($res = null)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->CDBResult($res = null)
      /** @deprecated */
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:169
      public SelectedRowsCount()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:179
      public AffectedRowsCount()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:190
      public FieldsCount()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:206
      public FieldName($iCol)
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:214
      public DBNavStart()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:220
      public CDBResultMysql($res = null)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->CDBResultMysql($res = null)
      /** @deprecated */
      Inherited from CDBResultMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:803
      public NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
      Inherited from CDBResultMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:871
      public CAllDBResult($res = null)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->CAllDBResult($res = null)
      /** @deprecated */
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:683
      public __sleep()
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:688
      public NavContinue()
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:737
      public IsNavPrint()
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:751
      public NavPrint($title, $show_allways = false, $StyleText = 'text', $template_path = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->NavPrint($title, $show_allways = false, $StyleText = 'text', $template_path = false)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:759
      public ExtractFields($strPrefix = 'str_', $bDoEncode = true)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->ExtractFields($strPrefix = 'str_', $bDoEncode = true)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:966
      public ExtractEditFields($strPrefix = 'str_')
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->ExtractEditFields($strPrefix = 'str_')
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:971
      public InitNavStartVars($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->InitNavStartVars($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1103
      public InitFromArray($arr)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1186
      public NavNext($bSetGlobalVars = true, $strPrefix = 'str_', $bDoEncode = true, $bSkipEntities = true)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->NavNext($bSetGlobalVars = true, $strPrefix = 'str_', $bDoEncode = true, $bSkipEntities = true)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1195
      public GetPageNavString($navigationTitle, $templateName = '', $showAlways = false, $parentComponent = null)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->GetPageNavString($navigationTitle, $templateName = '', $showAlways = false, $parentComponent = null)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1221
      public GetPageNavStringEx(&$navComponentObject, $navigationTitle, $templateName = '', $showAlways = false, $parentComponent = null, $componentParams = array())
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['NAV_RESULT']->GetPageNavStringEx(&$navComponentObject, $navigationTitle, $templateName = '', $showAlways = false, $parentComponent = null, $componentParams = array())
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1226
      public SetUserFields($arUserFields)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1258
      protected FetchRow()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:174
      protected FetchInternal()
      Inherited from CDBResultMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:851
      protected AfterFetch(&$res)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1272
      public static NavStringForCache($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      \CAllDBResult::NavStringForCache($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1019
      public static GetNavParams($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      \CAllDBResult::GetNavParams($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1025
    SHOW_ALWAYS => boolean false
    CACHE_TYPE => string (1) "A"
    ~NAV_TITLE => UTF-8 string (8) "Страницы"
    ~NAV_RESULT => CIBlockResult (51)
    • Properties (51)
    • Available methods (38)
    • public arIBlockMultProps -> array (0)
      public arIBlockConvProps -> array (1)
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => array (2)
      ConvertFromDB => array (2) Depth Limit
      PROPERTY => array (29) Depth Limit
      public arIBlockAllProps -> array (0)
      public arIBlockNumProps -> array (0)
      public arIBlockLongProps -> array (0)
      public nInitialSize -> null
      public table_id -> null
      public strDetailUrl -> boolean false
      public strSectionUrl -> boolean false
      public strListUrl -> boolean false
      public arSectionContext -> boolean false
      public bIBlockSection -> boolean false
      public nameTemplate -> string (0) ""
      public _LAST_IBLOCK_ID -> string (2) "41"
      public _FILTER_IBLOCK_ID -> array (1)
      41 => boolean true
      public result -> mysqli_result (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • Available methods (14)
      • Iterator
      • public current_field -> null
        public field_count -> null
        public lengths -> null
        public num_rows -> null
        public type -> null
      • public __construct()
        new \mysqli_result()
        public close()
        public free()
        public data_seek($offset)
        public fetch_field()
        public fetch_fields()
        public fetch_field_direct($field_nr)
        public fetch_all($result_type)
        public fetch_array($result_type)
        public fetch_assoc()
        public fetch_object($class_name, array $params)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->result->fetch_object($class_name, array $params)
        public fetch_row()
        public field_seek($field_nr)
        public free_result()
      • mysqli_result Iterator Contents Blacklisted
        iterator_to_array($arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->result, true)
      public arResult -> array (1)
      0 => array (56)
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => string (10) "2025-01-22"
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE_ID => string (10) "1017575495"
      2002-03-31 11:51:35 UTC
      ID => string (9) "808571367"
      1995-08-16 11:09:27 UTC
      TIMESTAMP_X => string (19) "13.01.2025 15:40:00"
      TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX => string (10) "1736772000"
      2025-01-13 12:40:00 UTC
      MODIFIED_BY => string (3) "121"
      DATE_CREATE => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:21:07"
      DATE_CREATE_UNIX => string (10) "1736756467"
      2025-01-13 08:21:07 UTC
      CREATED_BY => string (3) "123"
      IBLOCK_ID => string (2) "41"
      IBLOCK_SECTION_ID => string (5) "18097"
      ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
      ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
      ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
      DATE_ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
      DATE_ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
      SORT => string (3) "500"
      NAME => UTF-8 string (50) "АО «Астрал СНГ» на конференции Pool M Russia 2025 "
      PREVIEW_PICTURE => string (8) "12042079"
      PREVIEW_TEXT => string (0) ""
      PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
      DETAIL_PICTURE => null
      DETAIL_TEXT => string (0) ""
      DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
      WF_STATUS_ID => string (1) "1"
      WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID => null
      WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID => null
      WF_NEW => null
      LOCK_STATUS => string (5) "green"
      rgb(0, 128, 0)
      hsl(120, 100%, 25%)
      WF_LOCKED_BY => null
      WF_DATE_LOCK => null
      WF_COMMENTS => null
      IN_SECTIONS => string (1) "Y"
      SHOW_COUNTER => string (2) "11"
      SHOW_COUNTER_START => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:30:15"
      SHOW_COUNTER_START_X => string (19) "2025-01-13 11:30:15"
      CODE => string (48) "ao-astral-sng-na-konferentsii-pool-m-russia-2025"
      TAGS => string (0) ""
      XML_ID => string (1) "1"
      EXTERNAL_ID => string (1) "1"
      TMP_ID => string (1) "0"
      USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (41) "( Александр Фисенко"
      LOCKED_USER_NAME => null
      CREATED_USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (36) "( Мария Гусева"
      LANG_DIR => string (1) "/"
      LID => string (2) "s1"
      IBLOCK_TYPE_ID => string (10) "ASTRALPOOL"
      IBLOCK_CODE => string (0) ""
      IBLOCK_NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Дайджест"
      IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID => string (0) ""
      DETAIL_PAGE_URL => string (38) "/digest/#SECTION_CODE#/#ELEMENT_CODE#/"
      LIST_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
      CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
      CREATED_DATE => string (10) "2025.01.13"
      BP_PUBLISHED => string (1) "Y"
      public arReplacedAliases -> null
      public arResultAdd -> boolean false
      public bNavStart -> boolean true
      public bShowAll -> boolean true
      public NavNum -> integer 1
      public NavPageCount -> double 1
      public NavPageNomer -> integer 1
      public NavPageSize -> integer 100
      public NavShowAll -> boolean false
      public NavRecordCount -> string (1) "1"
      public bFirstPrintNav -> boolean true
      public PAGEN -> integer 1
      public SIZEN -> integer 100
      public SESS_SIZEN -> null
      public SESS_ALL -> null
      public SESS_PAGEN -> null
      public add_anchor -> string (0) ""
      public bPostNavigation -> boolean false
      public bFromArray -> boolean false
      public bFromLimited -> boolean true
      public sSessInitAdd -> string (0) ""
      public nPageWindow -> integer 5
      public nSelectedCount -> string (1) "1"
      public arGetNextCache -> array (56)
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => boolean false
      PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE_ID => boolean false
      ID => boolean false
      TIMESTAMP_X => boolean false
      TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX => boolean false
      MODIFIED_BY => boolean false
      DATE_CREATE => boolean false
      DATE_CREATE_UNIX => boolean false
      CREATED_BY => boolean false
      IBLOCK_ID => boolean false
      IBLOCK_SECTION_ID => boolean false
      ACTIVE => boolean false
      ACTIVE_FROM => boolean false
      ACTIVE_TO => boolean false
      DATE_ACTIVE_FROM => boolean false
      DATE_ACTIVE_TO => boolean false
      SORT => boolean false
      NAME => boolean false
      PREVIEW_PICTURE => boolean false
      PREVIEW_TEXT => boolean true
      PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE => boolean false
      DETAIL_PICTURE => boolean false
      DETAIL_TEXT => boolean true
      DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE => boolean false
      SEARCHABLE_CONTENT => boolean false
      WF_STATUS_ID => boolean false
      WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID => boolean false
      WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID => boolean false
      WF_NEW => boolean false
      LOCK_STATUS => boolean false
      WF_LOCKED_BY => boolean false
      WF_DATE_LOCK => boolean false
      WF_COMMENTS => boolean false
      IN_SECTIONS => boolean false
      SHOW_COUNTER => boolean false
      SHOW_COUNTER_START => boolean false
      SHOW_COUNTER_START_X => boolean false
      CODE => boolean false
      TAGS => boolean false
      XML_ID => boolean false
      EXTERNAL_ID => boolean false
      TMP_ID => boolean false
      USER_NAME => boolean false
      LOCKED_USER_NAME => boolean false
      CREATED_USER_NAME => boolean false
      LANG_DIR => boolean false
      LID => boolean false
      IBLOCK_TYPE_ID => boolean false
      IBLOCK_CODE => boolean false
      IBLOCK_NAME => boolean false
      IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID => boolean false
      DETAIL_PAGE_URL => boolean false
      LIST_PAGE_URL => boolean false
      CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => boolean false
      CREATED_DATE => boolean false
      BP_PUBLISHED => boolean false
      public bDescPageNumbering -> boolean false
      public arUserFields -> boolean false
      public usedUserFields -> boolean false
      public SqlTraceIndex -> boolean false
      public DB -> CDatabase (26)
      • Properties (26)
      • Available methods (65)
      • Static class properties
      • public db_Conn -> &mysqli (18)
        • Properties (18)
        • Available methods (43)
        • public affected_rows -> null
          public client_info -> null
          public client_version -> null
          public connect_errno -> null
          public connect_error -> null
          public errno -> null
          public error -> null
          public error_list -> null
          public field_count -> null
          public host_info -> null
          public info -> null
          public insert_id -> null
          public server_info -> null
          public server_version -> null
          public sqlstate -> null
          public protocol_version -> null
          public thread_id -> null
          public warning_count -> null
        • public autocommit($mode)
          public savepoint($name)
          public real_connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $flags)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->real_connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $flags)
          public real_escape_string($string_to_escape)
          public reap_async_query()
          public escape_string($string_to_escape)
          public real_query($query)
          public release_savepoint($name)
          public rollback($flags, $name)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->rollback($flags, $name)
          public select_db($database)
          public prepare($query)
          public set_charset($charset)
          public set_opt($option, $value)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->set_opt($option, $value)
          public ssl_set($key, $cert, $certificate_authority, $certificate_authority_path, $cipher)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->ssl_set($key, $cert, $certificate_authority, $certificate_authority_path, $cipher)
          public stat()
          public stmt_init()
          public store_result($flags)
          public thread_safe()
          public use_result()
          public query($query, $resultmode)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->query($query, $resultmode)
          public ping()
          public begin_transaction($flags, $name)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->begin_transaction($flags, $name)
          public get_client_info()
          public change_user($user, $password, $database)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->change_user($user, $password, $database)
          public character_set_name()
          public close()
          public commit($flags, $name)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->commit($flags, $name)
          public connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
          public dump_debug_info()
          public debug($debug_options)
          public get_charset()
          public get_connection_stats()
          public get_server_info()
          public get_warnings()
          public init()
          public kill($connection_id)
          public multi_query($query)
          public __construct($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
          new \mysqli($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
          public more_results()
          public next_result()
          public options($option, $value)
          $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->options($option, $value)
          public refresh($options)
          public static poll(array &$read, array &$write, array &$error, $sec, $usec)
          \mysqli::poll(array &$read, array &$write, array &$error, $sec, $usec)
        public version -> null
        public escL -> string (1) "`"
        public escR -> string (1) "`"
        public alias_length -> integer 256
        public DBName -> string (13) "itsngastr2_bx"
        public DBHost -> string (9) "localhost"
        public DBLogin -> string (13) "itsngastr2_bx"
        public DBPassword -> string (11) "!2e3r3efrde"
        public bConnected -> boolean true
        public debug -> boolean false
        public DebugToFile -> null
        public ShowSqlStat -> null
        public db_Error -> string (0) ""
        public db_ErrorSQL -> null
        public result -> null
        public type -> string (5) "MYSQL"
        public column_cache -> array (0)
        public bModuleConnection -> null
        public bNodeConnection -> null
        public node_id -> null
        public obSlave -> null
        public cntQuery -> integer 0
        public timeQuery -> integer 0
        public arQueryDebug -> array (0)
        public sqlTracker -> null
      • public ConnectInternal()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:17
        public LastID()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:60
        public ForSql($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->ForSql($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:66
        public ForSqlLike($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->ForSqlLike($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:84
        public GetTableFields($table)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:102
        public GetVersion()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:25
        public StartTransaction()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:45
        public Commit()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:50
        public Rollback()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:55
        public Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword, $connectionName = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword, $connectionName = '')
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:61
        public Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:83
        public Disconnect()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:218
        public DateFormatToDB($format, $field = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->DateFormatToDB($format, $field = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:263
        public DateToCharFunction($strFieldName, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false, $bSearchInSitesOnly = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->DateToCharFunction($strFieldName, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false, $bSearchInSitesOnly = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:323
        public CharToDateFunction($strValue, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->CharToDateFunction($strValue, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:347
        public DatetimeToTimestampFunction($fieldName)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:363
        public DatetimeToDateFunction($strValue)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:378
        public CompareDates($date1, $date2)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->CompareDates($date1, $date2)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:386
        public PrepareFields($strTableName, $strPrefix = 'str_', $strSuffix = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareFields($strTableName, $strPrefix = 'str_', $strSuffix = '')
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:404
        public PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:428
        public PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false, $strTableAlias = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false, $strTableAlias = '')
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:495
        public PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, &$arBinds, $strTableAlias = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, &$arBinds, $strTableAlias = '')
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:501
        public Insert($table, $arFields, $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $EXIST_ID = '', $ignore_errors = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->Insert($table, $arFields, $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $EXIST_ID = '', $ignore_errors = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:563
        public Update($table, $arFields, $WHERE = '', $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $ignore_errors = false, $additional_check = true)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->Update($table, $arFields, $WHERE = '', $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $ignore_errors = false, $additional_check = true)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:602
        public Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields = array(), $strFileDir = '', $ignore_errors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields = array(), $strFileDir = '', $ignore_errors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:645
        public TopSql($strSql, $nTopCount)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->TopSql($strSql, $nTopCount)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:664
        public InitTableVarsForEdit($tablename, $strIdentFrom = 'str_', $strIdentTo = 'str_', $strSuffixFrom = '', $bAlways = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->InitTableVarsForEdit($tablename, $strIdentFrom = 'str_', $strIdentTo = 'str_', $strSuffixFrom = '', $bAlways = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:675
        public GetTableFieldsList($table)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:697
        public LockTables($str)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:704
        public UnLockTables()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:710
        public Concat()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:715
        public IsNull($expression, $result)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->IsNull($expression, $result)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:724
        public Length($field)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:729
        public ToChar($expr, $len0)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->ToChar($expr, $len0)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:734
        public TableExists($tableName)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:739
        public GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:754
        public Instr($str, $toFind)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->Instr($str, $toFind)
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:787
        public StartUsingMasterOnly()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:57
        public StopUsingMasterOnly()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:62
        public GetDBNodeConnection($node_id, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $bCheckStatus = true): boolean|CDatabase
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->GetDBNodeConnection($node_id, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $bCheckStatus = true)
        * @param string $node_id
        * @param boolean $bIgnoreErrors
        * @param boolean $bCheckStatus
        * @return boolean|CDatabase
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:74
        public DoConnect($connectionName = '')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->DoConnect($connectionName = '')
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:186
        public startSqlTracker()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:263
        public GetNowFunction()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:273
        public GetNowDate()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:278
        public Substr($str, $from, $length = null)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->Substr($str, $from, $length = null)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:289
        public QueryBind($strSql, $arBinds, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->QueryBind($strSql, $arBinds, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:376
        public QueryLong($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->QueryLong($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:381
        public ParseSqlBatch($strSql, $bIncremental = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->ParseSqlBatch($strSql, $bIncremental = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:392
        public RunSQLBatch($filepath, $bIncremental = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->RunSQLBatch($filepath, $bIncremental = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:505
        public IsDate($value, $format = false, $lang = false, $format_type = 'SHORT')
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->IsDate($value, $format = false, $lang = false, $format_type = 'SHORT')
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:534
        public GetErrorMessage()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:540
        public GetErrorSQL()
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:550
        public DDL($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->DDL($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:560
        public addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $node_id0)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $node_id0)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:570
        public addDebugTime($index, $exec_time)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->addDebugTime($index, $exec_time)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:583
        public IndexExists($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
        $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->DB->IndexExists($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:593
        protected QueryInternal($strSql)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:45
        protected GetError()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:50
        protected DisconnectInternal($resource)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:55
        protected getThreadId()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:155
        public static CurrentTimeFunction()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:253
        public static CurrentDateFunction()
        Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:258
        public static GetModuleConnection($module_id, $bModuleInclude = false): bool|CDatabase Returns module database connection. Can be used only if module supports sharding...
        \CAllDatabase::GetModuleConnection($module_id, $bModuleInclude = false)
        * Returns module database connection.
        * Can be used only if module supports sharding.
        * @param string $module_id
        * @param bool $bModuleInclude
        * @return bool|CDatabase
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:148
        public static DateFormatToPHP($format)
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:311
        public static FormatDate($strDate, $format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS', $new_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS')
        \CAllDatabase::FormatDate($strDate, $format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS', $new_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS')
        Inherited from CAllDatabase
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:321
      • public static $arNodes :: array (0)
      public NavRecordCountChangeDisable -> boolean false
      public is_filtered -> boolean false
      public nStartPage -> integer 1
      public nEndPage -> double 1
      public resultObject -> null
    • public __construct($res = null)
      new \CIBlockResult($res = null)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:27
      public CIBlockResult($res)
      * @deprected
      * @param $res
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:37
      public SetUrlTemplates($DetailUrl = '', $SectionUrl = '', $ListUrl = '')
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->SetUrlTemplates($DetailUrl = '', $SectionUrl = '', $ListUrl = '')
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:42
      public SetSectionContext($arSection)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:49
      public SetIBlockTag($iblock_id)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:65
      public SetNameTemplate($nameTemplate)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:80
      public Fetch()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:85
      public GetNext($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->GetNext($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:260
      public GetNextElement($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->GetNextElement($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:406
      public SetTableID($table_id)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:418
      public NavStart($nPageSize = 20, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->NavStart($nPageSize = 20, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:423
      public GetNavPrint($title, $show_allways = true, $StyleText = '', $template_path = false, $arDeleteParam = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->GetNavPrint($title, $show_allways = true, $StyleText = '', $template_path = false, $arDeleteParam = false)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:446
      public CDBResult($res = null)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->CDBResult($res = null)
      /** @deprecated */
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:169
      public SelectedRowsCount()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:179
      public AffectedRowsCount()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:190
      public FieldsCount()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:206
      public FieldName($iCol)
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:214
      public DBNavStart()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:220
      public CDBResultMysql($res = null)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->CDBResultMysql($res = null)
      /** @deprecated */
      Inherited from CDBResultMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:803
      public NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
      Inherited from CDBResultMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:871
      public CAllDBResult($res = null)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->CAllDBResult($res = null)
      /** @deprecated */
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:683
      public __sleep()
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:688
      public NavContinue()
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:737
      public IsNavPrint()
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:751
      public NavPrint($title, $show_allways = false, $StyleText = 'text', $template_path = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->NavPrint($title, $show_allways = false, $StyleText = 'text', $template_path = false)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:759
      public ExtractFields($strPrefix = 'str_', $bDoEncode = true)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->ExtractFields($strPrefix = 'str_', $bDoEncode = true)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:966
      public ExtractEditFields($strPrefix = 'str_')
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->ExtractEditFields($strPrefix = 'str_')
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:971
      public InitNavStartVars($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->InitNavStartVars($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1103
      public InitFromArray($arr)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1186
      public NavNext($bSetGlobalVars = true, $strPrefix = 'str_', $bDoEncode = true, $bSkipEntities = true)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->NavNext($bSetGlobalVars = true, $strPrefix = 'str_', $bDoEncode = true, $bSkipEntities = true)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1195
      public GetPageNavString($navigationTitle, $templateName = '', $showAlways = false, $parentComponent = null)
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->GetPageNavString($navigationTitle, $templateName = '', $showAlways = false, $parentComponent = null)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1221
      public GetPageNavStringEx(&$navComponentObject, $navigationTitle, $templateName = '', $showAlways = false, $parentComponent = null, $componentParams = array())
      $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->arParams['~NAV_RESULT']->GetPageNavStringEx(&$navComponentObject, $navigationTitle, $templateName = '', $showAlways = false, $parentComponent = null, $componentParams = array())
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1226
      public SetUserFields($arUserFields)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1258
      protected FetchRow()
      Inherited from CDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:174
      protected FetchInternal()
      Inherited from CDBResultMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:851
      protected AfterFetch(&$res)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1272
      public static NavStringForCache($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      \CAllDBResult::NavStringForCache($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1019
      public static GetNavParams($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      \CAllDBResult::GetNavParams($nPageSize0, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
      Inherited from CAllDBResult
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:1025
    ~SHOW_ALWAYS => boolean false
    ~CACHE_TYPE => string (1) "A"
    public arResult -> array (20)
    NavShowAlways => boolean false
    NavTitle => UTF-8 string (8) "Страницы"
    NavRecordCount => string (1) "1"
    NavPageCount => double 1
    NavPageNomer => integer 1
    NavPageSize => integer 100
    bShowAll => boolean true
    NavShowAll => boolean false
    NavNum => integer 1
    bDescPageNumbering => boolean false
    add_anchor => string (0) ""
    nPageWindow => integer 5
    bSavePage => boolean false
    sUrlPath => string (8) "/digest/"
    NavQueryString => string (0) ""
    sUrlPathParams => string (9) "/digest/?"
    nStartPage => integer 1
    nEndPage => double 1
    NavFirstRecordShow => integer 1
    NavLastRecordShow => string (1) "1"
    public arResultCacheKeys -> boolean false
    public __parent -> null
    private __bInited -> boolean true
    private __arIncludeAreaIcons -> array (0)
    private __NavNum -> boolean false
    private __cache -> null
    private __cacheID -> string (0) ""
    private __cachePath -> string (0) ""
    private __children_css -> array (0)
    private __children_js -> array (0)
    private __children_epilogs -> array (0)
    private __children_frames -> array (0)
    private __view -> array (0)
    private __currentCounter -> integer 1
    private __currentCounters -> array (0)
    private __editButtons -> array (0)
    private classOfComponent -> string (0) ""
    private randomSequence -> null
    private frameMode -> null
    protected request -> Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest (11)
    • Properties (11)
    • Available methods (61)
    • protected queryString -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)
      • Properties (2)
      • Available methods (21)
      • protected arRawValues -> null
        protected values -> array (0)
      • public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:27
        public toArrayRaw()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:43
        public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set
        * Offset to set
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:51
        public offsetUnset($offset) Offset to unset
        * Offset to unset
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:59
        public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object.
        * Creates object.
        * @param array $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
        public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | array | null
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
        public set($name, $value = null)
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
        public getValues(): array
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
        public setValues($values)
        * @param $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:66
        public clear()
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
        public current() Return the current element
        * Return the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:79
        public next() Move forward to next element
        * Move forward to next element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:87
        public key() Return the key of the current element
        * Return the key of the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:95
        public valid() Checks if current position is valid
        * Checks if current position is valid
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
        public rewind() Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        * Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:111
        public offsetExists($offset) Whether a offset exists
        * Whether a offset exists
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:119
        public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve
        * Offset to retrieve
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:127
        public count() Count elements of an object
        * Count elements of an object
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:163
        public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array.
        * Returns the values as an array.
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:173
        public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * @return bool
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:182
        protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
      protected postData -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)
      • Properties (2)
      • Available methods (21)
      • protected arRawValues -> null
        protected values -> array (0)
      • public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:27
        public toArrayRaw()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:43
        public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set
        * Offset to set
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:51
        public offsetUnset($offset) Offset to unset
        * Offset to unset
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:59
        public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object.
        * Creates object.
        * @param array $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
        public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | array | null
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
        public set($name, $value = null)
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
        public getValues(): array
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
        public setValues($values)
        * @param $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:66
        public clear()
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
        public current() Return the current element
        * Return the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:79
        public next() Move forward to next element
        * Move forward to next element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:87
        public key() Return the key of the current element
        * Return the key of the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:95
        public valid() Checks if current position is valid
        * Checks if current position is valid
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
        public rewind() Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        * Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:111
        public offsetExists($offset) Whether a offset exists
        * Whether a offset exists
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:119
        public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve
        * Offset to retrieve
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:127
        public count() Count elements of an object
        * Count elements of an object
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:163
        public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array.
        * Returns the values as an array.
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:173
        public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * @return bool
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:182
        protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
      protected files -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)
      • Properties (2)
      • Available methods (21)
      • protected arRawValues -> null
        protected values -> array (0)
      • public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:27
        public toArrayRaw()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:43
        public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set
        * Offset to set
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:51
        public offsetUnset($offset) Offset to unset
        * Offset to unset
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:59
        public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object.
        * Creates object.
        * @param array $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
        public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | array | null
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
        public set($name, $value = null)
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
        public getValues(): array
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
        public setValues($values)
        * @param $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:66
        public clear()
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
        public current() Return the current element
        * Return the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:79
        public next() Move forward to next element
        * Move forward to next element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:87
        public key() Return the key of the current element
        * Return the key of the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:95
        public valid() Checks if current position is valid
        * Checks if current position is valid
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
        public rewind() Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        * Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:111
        public offsetExists($offset) Whether a offset exists
        * Whether a offset exists
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:119
        public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve
        * Offset to retrieve
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:127
        public count() Count elements of an object
        * Count elements of an object
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:163
        public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array.
        * Returns the values as an array.
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:173
        public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * @return bool
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:182
        protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
      protected cookies -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)
      • Properties (2)
      • Available methods (21)
      • Iterator (5)
      • protected arRawValues -> null
        protected values -> array (5)
        LOGIN => string (21) ""
        SHOW_DISCLAIMER => string (1) "N"
        SALE_UID => string (8) "16048248"
        SOUND_LOGIN_PLAYED => string (1) "Y"
        LAST_SETTINGS => string (0) ""
      • public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:27
        public toArrayRaw()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:43
        public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set
        * Offset to set
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:51
        public offsetUnset($offset) Offset to unset
        * Offset to unset
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:59
        public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object.
        * Creates object.
        * @param array $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
        public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | array | null
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
        public set($name, $value = null)
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
        public getValues(): array
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
        public setValues($values)
        * @param $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:66
        public clear()
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
        public current() Return the current element
        * Return the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:79
        public next() Move forward to next element
        * Move forward to next element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:87
        public key() Return the key of the current element
        * Return the key of the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:95
        public valid() Checks if current position is valid
        * Checks if current position is valid
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
        public rewind() Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        * Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:111
        public offsetExists($offset) Whether a offset exists
        * Whether a offset exists
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:119
        public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve
        * Offset to retrieve
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:127
        public count() Count elements of an object
        * Count elements of an object
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:163
        public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array.
        * Returns the values as an array.
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:173
        public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * @return bool
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:182
        protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
      • LOGIN => string (21) ""
        SHOW_DISCLAIMER => string (1) "N"
        SALE_UID => string (8) "16048248"
        SOUND_LOGIN_PLAYED => string (1) "Y"
        LAST_SETTINGS => string (0) ""
      protected cookiesRaw -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)
      • Properties (2)
      • Available methods (21)
      • Iterator (17)
      • protected arRawValues -> null
        protected values -> array (17)
        _ym_uid => string (18) "165801515390969529"
        _ga_ZNPC1LFP48 => string (38) "GS1.1.1705310134.3.1.1705310179.15.0.0"
        BITRIX_SM_LOGIN => string (21) ""
        BITRIX_SM_SHOW_DISCLAIMER => string (1) "N"
        _ym_d => string (10) "1732262021"
        2024-11-22 07:53:41 UTC
        _ga_RDC1T61EJ5 => string (39) "GS1.1.1733179981.359.1.1733180397.0.0.0"
        PHPSESSID => string (32) "f898e62c9b0e9378be51187069d27717"
        BITRIX_SM_SALE_UID => string (8) "16048248"
        BITRIX_SM_SOUND_LOGIN_PLAYED => string (1) "Y"
        BITRIX_CONVERSION_CONTEXT_s1 => string (62) "{"ID":1,"EXPIRE":1736801940,"UNIQUE":["conversion_visit_day"]}"
        • Json (3)
        • ID => integer 1
          EXPIRE => integer 1736801940
          2025-01-13 20:59:00 UTC
          UNIQUE => array (1) Depth Limit
        _ym_isad => string (1) "2"
        _gid => string (27) "GA1.2.1482327891.1736760719"
        _ym_visorc => string (1) "w"
        BITRIX_SM_LAST_SETTINGS => string (0) ""
        _gat_gtag_UA_143190179_1 => string (1) "1"
        _ga_FKG7KY9NFV => string (39) "GS1.1.1736769700.443.1.1736772437.0.0.0"
        _ga => string (26) "GA1.1.333364572.1667343570"
      • public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:27
        public toArrayRaw()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:43
        public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set
        * Offset to set
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:51
        public offsetUnset($offset) Offset to unset
        * Offset to unset
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:59
        public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object.
        * Creates object.
        * @param array $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
        public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | array | null
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
        public set($name, $value = null)
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
        public getValues(): array
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
        public setValues($values)
        * @param $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:66
        public clear()
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
        public current() Return the current element
        * Return the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:79
        public next() Move forward to next element
        * Move forward to next element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:87
        public key() Return the key of the current element
        * Return the key of the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:95
        public valid() Checks if current position is valid
        * Checks if current position is valid
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
        public rewind() Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        * Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:111
        public offsetExists($offset) Whether a offset exists
        * Whether a offset exists
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:119
        public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve
        * Offset to retrieve
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:127
        public count() Count elements of an object
        * Count elements of an object
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:163
        public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array.
        * Returns the values as an array.
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:173
        public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * @return bool
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:182
        protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
      • _ym_uid => string (18) "165801515390969529"
        _ga_ZNPC1LFP48 => string (38) "GS1.1.1705310134.3.1.1705310179.15.0.0"
        BITRIX_SM_LOGIN => string (21) ""
        BITRIX_SM_SHOW_DISCLAIMER => string (1) "N"
        _ym_d => string (10) "1732262021"
        2024-11-22 07:53:41 UTC
        _ga_RDC1T61EJ5 => string (39) "GS1.1.1733179981.359.1.1733180397.0.0.0"
        PHPSESSID => string (32) "f898e62c9b0e9378be51187069d27717"
        BITRIX_SM_SALE_UID => string (8) "16048248"
        BITRIX_SM_SOUND_LOGIN_PLAYED => string (1) "Y"
        BITRIX_CONVERSION_CONTEXT_s1 => string (62) "{"ID":1,"EXPIRE":1736801940,"UNIQUE":["conversion_visit_day"]}"
        • Json (3)
        • ID => integer 1
          EXPIRE => integer 1736801940
          2025-01-13 20:59:00 UTC
          UNIQUE => array (1)
          0 => string (20) "conversion_visit_day"
        _ym_isad => string (1) "2"
        _gid => string (27) "GA1.2.1482327891.1736760719"
        _ym_visorc => string (1) "w"
        BITRIX_SM_LAST_SETTINGS => string (0) ""
        _gat_gtag_UA_143190179_1 => string (1) "1"
        _ga_FKG7KY9NFV => string (39) "GS1.1.1736769700.443.1.1736772437.0.0.0"
        _ga => string (26) "GA1.1.333364572.1667343570"
      protected headers -> Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders (1)
      • Properties
      • Available methods (15)
      • Iterator (18)
      • protected headers -> array (18)
        • Table (18)
        • Contents (18)
        • namevalues
          hosthostarray (1) Depth Limit
          x-forwarded-protox-forwarded-protoarray (1) Depth Limit
          x-forwarded-portx-forwarded-portarray (1) Depth Limit
          connectionconnectionarray (1) Depth Limit
          sec-ch-uasec-ch-uaarray (1) Depth Limit
          sec-ch-ua-mobilesec-ch-ua-mobilearray (1) Depth Limit
          sec-ch-ua-platformsec-ch-ua-platformarray (1) Depth Limit
          upgrade-insecure-requestsupgrade-insecure-requestsarray (1) Depth Limit
          user-agentuser-agentarray (1) Depth Limit
          acceptacceptarray (1) Depth Limit
          sec-fetch-sitesec-fetch-sitearray (1) Depth Limit
          sec-fetch-modesec-fetch-modearray (1) Depth Limit
          sec-fetch-usersec-fetch-userarray (1) Depth Limit
          sec-fetch-destsec-fetch-destarray (1) Depth Limit
          refererrefererarray (1) Depth Limit
          accept-encodingaccept-encodingarray (1) Depth Limit
          accept-languageaccept-languagearray (1) Depth Limit
          cookiecookiearray (1) Depth Limit
        • host => array (2)
          name => string (4) "host"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          x-forwarded-proto => array (2)
          name => string (17) "x-forwarded-proto"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          x-forwarded-port => array (2)
          name => string (16) "x-forwarded-port"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          connection => array (2)
          name => string (10) "connection"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          sec-ch-ua => array (2)
          name => string (9) "sec-ch-ua"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          sec-ch-ua-mobile => array (2)
          name => string (16) "sec-ch-ua-mobile"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          sec-ch-ua-platform => array (2)
          name => string (18) "sec-ch-ua-platform"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          upgrade-insecure-requests => array (2)
          name => string (25) "upgrade-insecure-requests"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          user-agent => array (2)
          name => string (10) "user-agent"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          accept => array (2)
          name => string (6) "accept"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          sec-fetch-site => array (2)
          name => string (14) "sec-fetch-site"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          sec-fetch-mode => array (2)
          name => string (14) "sec-fetch-mode"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          sec-fetch-user => array (2)
          name => string (14) "sec-fetch-user"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          sec-fetch-dest => array (2)
          name => string (14) "sec-fetch-dest"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          referer => array (2)
          name => string (7) "referer"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          accept-encoding => array (2)
          name => string (15) "accept-encoding"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          accept-language => array (2)
          name => string (15) "accept-language"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
          cookie => array (2)
          name => string (6) "cookie"
          values => array (1) Depth Limit
      • public __construct()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:19
        public add($name, $value) Adds a header.
        * Adds a header.
        * @param string $name
        * @param string $value
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:28
        public set($name, $value) Sets a header value.
        * Sets a header value.
        * @param string $name
        * @param string|null $value
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:55
        public get($name, $returnArray = false): null|string|array Returns a header value by its name. If $returnArray is true then an array with m...
        * Returns a header value by its name. If $returnArray is true then an array with multiple values is returned.
        * @param string $name
        * @param bool $returnArray
        * @return null|string|array
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:76
        public delete($name): void Deletes a header or headers by its name.
        * Deletes a header or headers by its name.
        * @param string $name
        * @return void
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:99
        public clear() Clears all headers.
        * Clears all headers.
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:112
        public toString(): string Returns the string representation for a HTTP request.
        * Returns the string representation for a HTTP request.
        * @return string
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:122
        public toArray(): array Returns headers as a raw array.
        * Returns headers as a raw array.
        * @return array
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:140
        public getContentType(): null|string Returns the content type part of the Content-Type header.
        * Returns the content type part of the Content-Type header.
        * @return null|string
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:149
        public getBoundary()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:161
        public getCharset(): null|string Returns the charset part of the Content-Type header.
        * Returns the charset part of the Content-Type header.
        * @return null|string
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:177
        public getContentDisposition(): null|string Disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header if found or null otherwise. Returns disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header
        * Returns disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header
        * @return null|string Disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header if found or null otherwise.
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:200
        public getFilename(): string|null Filename if it was found in the Content-disposition header or null otherwise. Returns a filename from the Content-disposition header.
        * Returns a filename from the Content-disposition header.
        * @return string|null Filename if it was found in the Content-disposition header or null otherwise.
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:218
        public getIterator(): Traversable An instance of an object implementing <b>Iterator</b> or Retrieve an external iterator
        * Retrieve an external iterator
        * @link
        * @return Traversable An instance of an object implementing <b>Iterator</b> or
        * <b>Traversable</b>
        * @since 5.0.0
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:270
        private refineString($string)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:45
      • host => string (13) ""
        x-forwarded-proto => string (5) "https"
        x-forwarded-port => string (3) "443"
        connection => string (5) "close"
        sec-ch-ua => string (65) ""Google Chrome";v="131", "Chromium";v="131", "Not_A Brand";v="24""
        sec-ch-ua-mobile => string (2) "?0"
        sec-ch-ua-platform => string (9) ""Windows""
        upgrade-insecure-requests => string (1) "1"
        user-agent => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...
        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
        accept => string (135) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,...
        sec-fetch-site => string (11) "same-origin"
        sec-fetch-mode => string (8) "navigate"
        sec-fetch-user => string (2) "?1"
        sec-fetch-dest => string (8) "document"
        referer => string (82) "
        accept-encoding => string (23) "gzip, deflate, br, zstd"
        accept-language => string (35) "ru-RU,ru;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7"
        cookie => string (659) "_ym_uid=165801515390969529; _ga_ZNPC1LFP48=GS1.1.1705310134.3.1.1705310179.1...
        _ym_uid=165801515390969529; _ga_ZNPC1LFP48=GS1.1.1705310134.3.1.1705310179.15.0.0;; BITRIX_SM_SHOW_DISCLAIMER=N; _ym_d=1732262021; _ga_RDC1T61EJ5=GS1.1.1733179981.359.1.1733180397.0.0.0; PHPSESSID=f898e62c9b0e9378be51187069d27717; BITRIX_SM_SALE_UID=16048248; BITRIX_SM_SOUND_LOGIN_PLAYED=Y; BITRIX_CONVERSION_CONTEXT_s1=%7B%22ID%22%3A1%2C%22EXPIRE%22%3A1736801940%2C%22UNIQUE%22%3A%5B%22conversion_visit_day%22%5D%7D; _ym_isad=2; _gid=GA1.2.1482327891.1736760719; _ym_visorc=w; BITRIX_SM_LAST_SETTINGS=; _gat_gtag_UA_143190179_1=1; _ga_FKG7KY9NFV=GS1.1.1736769700.443.1.1736772437.0.0.0; _ga=GA1.1.333364572.1667343570
      protected server -> Bitrix\Main\Server (2)
      • Properties (2)
      • Available methods (34)
      • Iterator (43)
      • protected arRawValues -> null
        protected values -> array (43)
        HTTPS => string (2) "on"
        REMOTE_USER => string (0) ""
        HTTP_HOST => string (13) ""
        HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO => string (5) "https"
        HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT => string (3) "443"
        HTTP_CONNECTION => string (5) "close"
        HTTP_SEC_CH_UA => string (65) ""Google Chrome";v="131", "Chromium";v="131", "Not_A Brand";v="24""
        HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_MOBILE => string (2) "?0"
        HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_PLATFORM => string (9) ""Windows""
        HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS => string (1) "1"
        HTTP_USER_AGENT => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...
        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
        HTTP_ACCEPT => string (135) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,...
        HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE => string (11) "same-origin"
        HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE => string (8) "navigate"
        HTTP_SEC_FETCH_USER => string (2) "?1"
        HTTP_SEC_FETCH_DEST => string (8) "document"
        HTTP_REFERER => string (82) "
        HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING => string (23) "gzip, deflate, br, zstd"
        HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE => string (35) "ru-RU,ru;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7"
        HTTP_COOKIE => string (659) "_ym_uid=165801515390969529; _ga_ZNPC1LFP48=GS1.1.1705310134.3.1.1705310179.1...
        _ym_uid=165801515390969529; _ga_ZNPC1LFP48=GS1.1.1705310134.3.1.1705310179.15.0.0;; BITRIX_SM_SHOW_DISCLAIMER=N; _ym_d=1732262021; _ga_RDC1T61EJ5=GS1.1.1733179981.359.1.1733180397.0.0.0; PHPSESSID=f898e62c9b0e9378be51187069d27717; BITRIX_SM_SALE_UID=16048248; BITRIX_SM_SOUND_LOGIN_PLAYED=Y; BITRIX_CONVERSION_CONTEXT_s1=%7B%22ID%22%3A1%2C%22EXPIRE%22%3A1736801940%2C%22UNIQUE%22%3A%5B%22conversion_visit_day%22%5D%7D; _ym_isad=2; _gid=GA1.2.1482327891.1736760719; _ym_visorc=w; BITRIX_SM_LAST_SETTINGS=; _gat_gtag_UA_143190179_1=1; _ga_FKG7KY9NFV=GS1.1.1736769700.443.1.1736772437.0.0.0; _ga=GA1.1.333364572.1667343570
        PATH => string (70) "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin"
        SERVER_SIGNATURE => string (74) "<address>Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address> "
        <address>Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address>
        SERVER_SOFTWARE => string (22) "Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)"
        SERVER_NAME => string (13) ""
        SERVER_ADDR => string (9) ""
        SERVER_PORT => string (2) "80"
        REMOTE_ADDR => string (14) ""
        DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (52) "/var/www/www-root/data/www/"
        • Directory (4KB)
        • drwxrwxrwx 500 500 4KB Jan 13 15:40 /var/www/www-root/data/www/
        REQUEST_SCHEME => string (4) "http"
        CONTEXT_PREFIX => string (0) ""
        CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (52) "/var/www/www-root/data/www/"
        • Directory (4KB)
        • drwxrwxrwx 500 500 4KB Jan 13 15:40 /var/www/www-root/data/www/
        SERVER_ADMIN => string (19) ""
        SCRIPT_FILENAME => string (69) "/var/www/www-root/data/www/"
        • File (1.11KB)
        • -rw-r--r-- 500 500 1.11KB Jan 13 15:34 /var/www/www-root/data/www/
        REMOTE_PORT => string (5) "53254"
        GATEWAY_INTERFACE => string (7) "CGI/1.1"
        SERVER_PROTOCOL => string (8) "HTTP/1.0"
        REQUEST_METHOD => string (3) "GET"
        QUERY_STRING => string (0) ""
        REQUEST_URI => string (8) "/digest/"
        SCRIPT_NAME => string (17) "/digest/index.php"
        PHP_SELF => string (17) "/digest/index.php"
        REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => double 1736772040.1762
        REQUEST_TIME => integer 1736772040
        2025-01-13 12:40:40 UTC
      • public __construct(array $arServer) Creates server object.
        * Creates server object.
        * @param array $arServer
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:17
        public addFilter(Bitrix\Main\Type\IRequestFilter $filter)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:25
        public getDocumentRoot(): string | null Returns server document root.
        * Returns server document root.
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:38
        public getPersonalRoot(): string | null Returns custom root folder. Server variable BX_PERSONAL_ROOT is used. If empty -...
        * Returns custom root folder.
        * Server variable BX_PERSONAL_ROOT is used. If empty - returns /bitrix.
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:49
        public getHttpHost(): string | null Returns server http host.
        * Returns server http host.
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:63
        public getServerName(): string | null Returns server name.
        * Returns server name.
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:73
        public getServerAddr(): string | null Returns server address.
        * Returns server address.
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:83
        public getServerPort(): string | null Returns server port.
        * Returns server port.
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:93
        public getRequestUri(): string | null Returns requested uri. /index.php/test1/test2?login=yes&back_url_admin=/
        * Returns requested uri.
        * /index.php/test1/test2?login=yes&back_url_admin=/
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:104
        public getRequestMethod(): string | null Returns requested method.
        * Returns requested method.
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:114
        public getPhpSelf(): string | null Returns PHP_SELF. /index.php/test1/test2
        * Returns PHP_SELF.
        * /index.php/test1/test2
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:125
        public getScriptName(): string | null Returns SCRIPT_NAME. /index.php
        * Returns SCRIPT_NAME.
        * /index.php
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:136
        public rewriteUri($url, $queryString, $redirectStatus = null)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:141
        public transferUri($url, $queryString = '')
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:149
        public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | null
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:27
        public toArrayRaw()
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:43
        public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set
        * Offset to set
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:51
        public offsetUnset($offset) Offset to unset
        * Offset to unset
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:59
        public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
        * @param string $name
        * @return string | array | null
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
        public set($name, $value = null)
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
        public getValues(): array
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
        public setValues($values)
        * @param $values
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:66
        public clear()
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
        public current() Return the current element
        * Return the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:79
        public next() Move forward to next element
        * Move forward to next element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:87
        public key() Return the key of the current element
        * Return the key of the current element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:95
        public valid() Checks if current position is valid
        * Checks if current position is valid
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
        public rewind() Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        * Rewind the Iterator to the first element
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:111
        public offsetExists($offset) Whether a offset exists
        * Whether a offset exists
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:119
        public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve
        * Offset to retrieve
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:127
        public count() Count elements of an object
        * Count elements of an object
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:163
        public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array.
        * Returns the values as an array.
        * @return array
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:173
        public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
        * @return bool
        Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:182
        protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)
        Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
      • HTTPS => string (2) "on"
        REMOTE_USER => string (0) ""
        HTTP_HOST => string (13) ""
        HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO => string (5) "https"
        HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT => string (3) "443"
        HTTP_CONNECTION => string (5) "close"
        HTTP_SEC_CH_UA => string (65) ""Google Chrome";v="131", "Chromium";v="131", "Not_A Brand";v="24""
        HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_MOBILE => string (2) "?0"
        HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_PLATFORM => string (9) ""Windows""
        HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS => string (1) "1"
        HTTP_USER_AGENT => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...
        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
        HTTP_ACCEPT => string (135) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,...
        HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE => string (11) "same-origin"
        HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE => string (8) "navigate"
        HTTP_SEC_FETCH_USER => string (2) "?1"
        HTTP_SEC_FETCH_DEST => string (8) "document"
        HTTP_REFERER => string (82) "
        HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING => string (23) "gzip, deflate, br, zstd"
        HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE => string (35) "ru-RU,ru;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7"
        HTTP_COOKIE => string (659) "_ym_uid=165801515390969529; _ga_ZNPC1LFP48=GS1.1.1705310134.3.1.1705310179.1...
        _ym_uid=165801515390969529; _ga_ZNPC1LFP48=GS1.1.1705310134.3.1.1705310179.15.0.0;; BITRIX_SM_SHOW_DISCLAIMER=N; _ym_d=1732262021; _ga_RDC1T61EJ5=GS1.1.1733179981.359.1.1733180397.0.0.0; PHPSESSID=f898e62c9b0e9378be51187069d27717; BITRIX_SM_SALE_UID=16048248; BITRIX_SM_SOUND_LOGIN_PLAYED=Y; BITRIX_CONVERSION_CONTEXT_s1=%7B%22ID%22%3A1%2C%22EXPIRE%22%3A1736801940%2C%22UNIQUE%22%3A%5B%22conversion_visit_day%22%5D%7D; _ym_isad=2; _gid=GA1.2.1482327891.1736760719; _ym_visorc=w; BITRIX_SM_LAST_SETTINGS=; _gat_gtag_UA_143190179_1=1; _ga_FKG7KY9NFV=GS1.1.1736769700.443.1.1736772437.0.0.0; _ga=GA1.1.333364572.1667343570
        PATH => string (70) "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin"
        SERVER_SIGNATURE => string (74) "<address>Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address> "
        <address>Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address>
        SERVER_SOFTWARE => string (22) "Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)"
        SERVER_NAME => string (13) ""
        SERVER_ADDR => string (9) ""
        SERVER_PORT => string (2) "80"
        REMOTE_ADDR => string (14) ""
        DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (52) "/var/www/www-root/data/www/"
        • Directory (4KB)
        • drwxrwxrwx 500 500 4KB Jan 13 15:40 /var/www/www-root/data/www/
        REQUEST_SCHEME => string (4) "http"
        CONTEXT_PREFIX => string (0) ""
        CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (52) "/var/www/www-root/data/www/"
        • Directory (4KB)
        • drwxrwxrwx 500 500 4KB Jan 13 15:40 /var/www/www-root/data/www/
        SERVER_ADMIN => string (19) ""
        SCRIPT_FILENAME => string (69) "/var/www/www-root/data/www/"
        • File (1.11KB)
        • -rw-r--r-- 500 500 1.11KB Jan 13 15:34 /var/www/www-root/data/www/
        REMOTE_PORT => string (5) "53254"
        GATEWAY_INTERFACE => string (7) "CGI/1.1"
        SERVER_PROTOCOL => string (8) "HTTP/1.0"
        REQUEST_METHOD => string (3) "GET"
        QUERY_STRING => string (0) ""
        REQUEST_URI => string (8) "/digest/"
        SCRIPT_NAME => string (17) "/digest/index.php"
        PHP_SELF => string (17) "/digest/index.php"
        REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => double 1736772040.1762
        REQUEST_TIME => integer 1736772040
        2025-01-13 12:40:40 UTC
      protected requestedPage -> string (17) "/digest/index.php"
      protected requestedPageDirectory -> string (7) "/digest"
      protected arRawValues -> null
      protected values -> array (0)
    • public __construct(Bitrix\Main\Server $server, array $queryString, array $postData, array $files, array $cookies) Creates new HttpRequest object
      * Creates new HttpRequest object
      * @param Server $server
      * @param array $queryString _GET
      * @param array $postData _POST
      * @param array $files _FILES
      * @param array $cookies _COOKIE
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:60
      public addFilter(Bitrix\Main\Type\IRequestFilter $filter) Applies filter to the http request data. Preserve original values.
      * Applies filter to the http request data. Preserve original values.
      * @param Type\IRequestFilter $filter Filter object
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:89
      public getQuery($name): null|mixed Returns the GET parameter of the current request.
      * Returns the GET parameter of the current request.
      * @param string $name Parameter name
      * @return null|mixed
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:123
      public getQueryList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of GET parameters of the current request.
      * Returns the list of GET parameters of the current request.
      * @return Type\ParameterDictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:133
      public getPost($name): null|mixed Returns the POST parameter of the current request.
      * Returns the POST parameter of the current request.
      * @param $name
      * @return null|mixed
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:144
      public getPostList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of POST parameters of the current request.
      * Returns the list of POST parameters of the current request.
      * @return Type\ParameterDictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:154
      public getFile($name): null|mixed Returns the FILES parameter of the current request.
      * Returns the FILES parameter of the current request.
      * @param $name
      * @return null|mixed
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:165
      public getFileList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of FILES parameters of the current request.
      * Returns the list of FILES parameters of the current request.
      * @return Type\ParameterDictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:175
      public getHeader($name): null|string Returns the header of the current request.
      * Returns the header of the current request.
      * @param string $name Name of header.
      * @return null|string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:187
      public getHeaders(): HttpHeaders Returns the list of headers of the current request.
      * Returns the list of headers of the current request.
      * @return HttpHeaders
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:197
      public getCookie($name): null|string Returns the COOKIES parameter of the current request.
      * Returns the COOKIES parameter of the current request.
      * @param $name
      * @return null|string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:208
      public getCookieList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of COOKIES parameters of the current request.
      * Returns the list of COOKIES parameters of the current request.
      * @return Type\ParameterDictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:218
      public getCookieRaw($name)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:223
      public getCookieRawList()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:228
      public getRemoteAddress()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:233
      public getRequestUri()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:238
      public getRequestMethod()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:243
      public getServerPort(): string | null Returns server port.
      * Returns server port.
      * @return string | null
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:253
      public isPost()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:258
      public getUserAgent(): null|string Returns the User-Agent HTTP request header.
      * Returns the User-Agent HTTP request header.
      * @return null|string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:267
      public getAcceptedLanguages()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:272
      public getRequestedPage(): string Returns the current page calculated from the request URI.
      * Returns the current page calculated from the request URI.
      * @return string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:295
      public getDecodedUri(): string Returns url-decoded and converted to the current encoding URI of the request (ex...
      * Returns url-decoded and converted to the current encoding URI of the request (except the query string).
      * @return string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:317
      public getHttpHost(): string Returns the host from the server variable without a port number.
      * Returns the host from the server variable without a port number.
      * @return string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:340
      public isHttps()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:355
      public modifyByQueryString($queryString)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:373
      public getScriptFile(): string Returns script file possibly corrected by urlrewrite.php or virtual_file_system....
      * Returns script file possibly corrected by urlrewrite.php or virtual_file_system.php.
      * @return string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:451
      public getCookiesMode(): null|string Returns Y if persistant cookies are enabled, N if disabled, or empty if unknown.
      * Returns Y if persistant cookies are enabled, N if disabled, or empty if unknown.
      * @return null|string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:505
      public getPhpSelf()
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:38
      public getScriptName()
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:43
      public getRequestedPageDirectory()
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:68
      public isAdminSection()
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:78
      public isAjaxRequest(): bool Returns true if current request is AJAX
      * Returns true if current request is AJAX
      * @return bool
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:92
      public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
      * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
      * @param string $name
      * @return string | null
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:27
      public toArrayRaw()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:43
      public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set
      * Offset to set
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:51
      public offsetUnset($offset) Offset to unset
      * Offset to unset
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:59
      public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
      * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set.
      * @param string $name
      * @return string | array | null
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
      public set($name, $value = null)
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
      public getValues(): array
      * @return array
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
      public setValues($values)
      * @param $values
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:66
      public clear()
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
      public current() Return the current element
      * Return the current element
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:79
      public next() Move forward to next element
      * Move forward to next element
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:87
      public key() Return the key of the current element
      * Return the key of the current element
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:95
      public valid() Checks if current position is valid
      * Checks if current position is valid
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
      public rewind() Rewind the Iterator to the first element
      * Rewind the Iterator to the first element
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:111
      public offsetExists($offset) Whether a offset exists
      * Whether a offset exists
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:119
      public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve
      * Offset to retrieve
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:127
      public count() Count elements of an object
      * Count elements of an object
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:163
      public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array.
      * Returns the values as an array.
      * @return array
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:173
      public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
      * Returns true if the dictionary is empty.
      * @return bool
      Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:182
      protected prepareCookie(array $cookies): array
      * @param array $cookies
      * @return array
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:388
      protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
      private buildHttpHeaders(Bitrix\Main\Server $server)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:73
      private fetchHeaders(Bitrix\Main\Server $server)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:407
      private normalizeHeaders(array $headers)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:422
      public static getSystemParameters(): array Returns the array with predefined query parameters.
      * Returns the array with predefined query parameters.
      * @return array
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:468
      public static getInput(): bool|string Returns raw request data from php://input.
      * Returns raw request data from php://input.
      * @return bool|string
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:496
      protected static decode($url)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:331
      protected static normalize($path)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:434
    private siteId -> string (2) "s1"
    private siteTemplateId -> string (10) "astralpool"
    private languageId -> string (2) "ru"
    protected signedParameters -> null
  • public onPrepareComponentParams($arParams): array[string]mixed Event called from includeComponent before component execution.
    * Event called from includeComponent before component execution.
    * <p>Takes component parameters as argument and should return it formatted as needed.</p>
    * @param array[string]mixed $arParams
    * @return array[string]mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:80
    public onIncludeComponentLang(): void Event called from includeComponent before component execution.
    * Event called from includeComponent before component execution.
    * <p>Includes component.php from within lang directory of the component.</p>
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:91
    public executeComponent(): mixed Function calls __includeComponent in order to execute the component.
    * Function calls __includeComponent in order to execute the component.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:101
    public __construct($component = null) Constructor with ability to copy the component.
    new \CBitrixComponent($component = null)
    * Constructor with ability to copy the component.
    * @param CBitrixComponent $component
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:110
    final public getName(): string Function returns component name in form
    * Function returns component name in form
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:161
    final public getRelativePath(): string Function returns path to component in form /bitrix/
    * Function returns path to component in form /bitrix/
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:175
    final public getPath(): string Function returns path to component relative to Web server DOCUMENT_ROOT in form ...
    * Function returns path to component relative to Web server DOCUMENT_ROOT in form /bitrix/components/bitrix/
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:189
    final public getTemplateName(): string Function returns the name of the template
    * Function returns the name of the template
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:203
    final public setTemplateName($templateName): bool Function sets the name of the template. Returns true on success.
    * Function sets the name of the template. Returns true on success.
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @param string $templateName
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:218
    public setSiteTemplateId($siteTemplateId)
    * @param string $siteTemplateId
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:230
    public getSiteTemplateId(): mixed
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:238
    public setSiteId($siteId)
    * @param string $siteId
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:246
    public getSiteId(): mixed
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:254
    public setLanguageId($languageId)
    * @param string $languageId
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:262
    public getLanguageId(): mixed
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:270
    final public getSignedParameters(): string|null Returns signed parameters. The list contains parameters which are presented in ...
    * Returns signed parameters.
    * The list contains parameters which are presented in  \CBitrixComponent::listKeysSignedParameters().
    * @see \CBitrixComponent::listKeysSignedParameters()
    * @return string|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:283
    final public getTemplatePage(): string Function returns the template page witch was set with initComponentTemplate
    * Function returns the template page witch was set with initComponentTemplate
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:320
    final public getTemplate(): CBitrixComponentTemplate Function returns the template object
    * Function returns the template object
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return CBitrixComponentTemplate
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:334
    final public getParent(): CBitrixComponent Function returns the parent component (if exists)
    * Function returns the parent component (if exists)
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return CBitrixComponent
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:348
    final public getTemplateCachedData(): array[string][int]string Function returns current template css files or null if there is no template.
    * Function returns current template css files or null if there is no template.
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return array[string][int]string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:362
    final public setTemplateCachedData($templateCachedData): void Function applies collection of the css files to the current template.
    * Function applies collection of the css files to the current template.
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @param array[string][int]string $templateCachedData
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:377
    final public initComponent($componentName, $componentTemplate = false): bool Function initializes the component. Returns true on success.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->initComponent($componentName, $componentTemplate = false)
    * Function initializes the component. Returns true on success.
    * <p>It is absolutly necessery to call this function before any component usage.</p>
    * @param string $componentName
    * @param string|bool $componentTemplate
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:448
    final public __prepareComponentParams(&$arParams): void Helper function for component parameters safe html escaping.
    * Helper function for component parameters safe html escaping.
    * @param array[string]mixed &$arParams
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:504
    final public includeComponentLang($relativePath = '', $lang = false): void Function includes language files from within the component directory.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->includeComponentLang($relativePath = '', $lang = false)
    * Function includes language files from within the component directory.
    * <p>For example: $this->includeComponentLang("ajax.php") will include "lang/en/ajax.php" file. </p>
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @param string $relativePath
    * @param string|bool $lang
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:548
    final public includeComponent($componentTemplate, $arParams, $parentComponent): mixed Function executes the component. Returns the result of it's execution.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->includeComponent($componentTemplate, $arParams, $parentComponent)
    * Function executes the component. Returns the result of it's execution.
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @param string $componentTemplate
    * @param array[string]mixed $arParams
    * @param CBitrixComponent $parentComponent
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:616
    final public includeComponentTemplate($templatePage = '', $customTemplatePath = ''): void Function executes the template.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->includeComponentTemplate($templatePage = '', $customTemplatePath = '')
    * Function executes the template.
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @param string $templatePage
    * @param string $customTemplatePath
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:686
    final public initComponentTemplate($templatePage = '', $siteTemplate = false, $customTemplatePath = ''): bool Function initializes the template of the component. Returns true on success.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->initComponentTemplate($templatePage = '', $siteTemplate = false, $customTemplatePath = '')
    * Function initializes the template of the component. Returns true on success.
    * <p>Instansiates the template object and calls it's init function.</p>
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @param string $templatePage
    * @param string|bool $siteTemplate
    * @param string $customTemplatePath
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:718
    final public showComponentTemplate(): void Function executes initialized template of the component.
    * Function executes initialized template of the component.
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:739
    final public addIncludeAreaIcon($arIcon): void Function adds an Icon to the component area in the editing mode.
    * Function adds an Icon to the component area in the editing mode.
    * @param array[string]mixed $arIcon
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:778
    final public addIncludeAreaIcons($arIcons): void Function replaces Icons displayed for the component by an collection.
    * Function replaces Icons displayed for the component by an collection.
    * @param array[int][string]mixed $arIcon
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:792
    final public getIncludeAreaIcons(): array[int][string]mixed Function returns the collection of the Icons displayed for the component.
    * Function returns the collection of the Icons displayed for the component.
    * @return array[int][string]mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:803
    public getCacheID($additionalCacheID = false): string Function returns an cache identifier based on component parameters and environme...
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->getCacheID($additionalCacheID = false)
    * Function returns an cache identifier based on component parameters and environment.
    * @param mixed $additionalCacheID
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:813
    final public startResultCache($cacheTime = false, $additionalCacheID = false, $cachePath = false): string Function starts the caching block of the component execution.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->startResultCache($cacheTime = false, $additionalCacheID = false, $cachePath = false)
    * Function starts the caching block of the component execution.
    * @param int|bool $cacheTime
    * @param mixed $additionalCacheID
    * @param string|bool $cachePath
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:858
    final public endResultCache(): void Function ends the caching block of the component execution.
    * Function ends the caching block of the component execution.
    * <p>Note: automaticly called by includeComponentTemplate.</p>
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1038
    final public abortResultCache(): void Function aborts the cache after it's start.
    * Function aborts the cache after it's start.
    * <p>Note: must be called if component returns before endResultCache or includeComponentTemplate called.</p>
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1183
    final public clearResultCache($additionalCacheID = false, $cachePath = false): void Function deletes the cache created before.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->clearResultCache($additionalCacheID = false, $cachePath = false)
    * Function deletes the cache created before.
    * <p>Note: parameters must exactly match to startResultCache call.</p>
    * @param mixed $additionalCacheID
    * @param string|bool $cachePath
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1210
    final public getCachePath(): string Function returns component cache path.
    * Function returns component cache path.
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1276
    final public setResultCacheKeys($arResultCacheKeys): void Function marks the arResult keys to be saved to cache. Just like __sleep magic m...
    * Function marks the arResult keys to be saved to cache. Just like __sleep magic method do.
    * <p>Note: it's call adds key, not replacing.</p>
    * @param array[int]string $arResultCacheKeys
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1288
    final public getEditAreaId($entryId): string Function returns component area id for editing mode.
    * Function returns component area id for editing mode.
    * @param string $entryId
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1302
    final public addEditAction($entryId, $editLink, $editTitle = false, $arParams = array()): void Function adds an edit action to some area inside the component.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->addEditAction($entryId, $editLink, $editTitle = false, $arParams = array())
    * Function adds an edit action to some area inside the component.
    * @param string $entryId
    * @param string $editLink
    * @param string|bool $editTitle
    * @param array[string]mixed $arParams
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1316
    final public addDeleteAction($entryId, $deleteLink, $deleteTitle = false, $arParams = array()): void Function adds an delete action to some area inside the component.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->addDeleteAction($entryId, $deleteLink, $deleteTitle = false, $arParams = array())
    * Function adds an delete action to some area inside the component.
    * <ul>
    * <li>$arParams['CONFIRM'] = false - disable confirm;
    * <li>$arParams['CONFIRM'] = 'Text' - confirm with custom text;
    * <li>no $arParams['CONFIRM'] at all - confirm with default text
    * </ul>
    * @param string $entryId
    * @param string $deleteLink
    * @param string|bool $deleteTitle
    * @param array[string]mixed $arParams
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1374
    final public setTemplateEpilog($arEpilogInfo): void Function saves component epilog environment
    * Function saves component epilog environment
    * @param array[string]mixed $arEpilogInfo
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1428
    final public includeComponentEpilog($arEpilogInfo): void Function restores component epilog environment and executes it.
    * Function restores component epilog environment and executes it.
    * @param array[string]mixed $arEpilogInfo
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1442
    public __showError($errorMessage, $errorCode = ''): void Function shows an internal error message.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->__showError($errorMessage, $errorCode = '')
    * Function shows an internal error message.
    * @param string $errorMessage
    * @param string $errorCode
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1469
    final public addChildCSS($cssPath): void Function registers children css file for cache.
    * Function registers children css file for cache.
    * @param string $cssPath
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1481
    final public addChildJS($jsPath): void Function registers children js file for cache.
    * Function registers children js file for cache.
    * @param string $jsPath
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1492
    final public addChildEpilog($epilogFile): void Function registers children epilog file for cache.
    * Function registers children epilog file for cache.
    * @param string $epilogFile
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1503
    final public addChildFrame($frame): void Registers child frame for cache.
    * Registers child frame for cache.
    * @param \Bitrix\Main\Composite\StaticArea $frame
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1515
    final public addEditButton($arButton): void Function adds a button to be displayed.
    * Function adds a button to be displayed.
    * @param array[int]string $arButton
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1527
    final public addViewTarget($target, $content, $pos): void Function registers new view target for the cache.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->addViewTarget($target, $content, $pos)
    * Function registers new view target for the cache.
    * @param string $target
    * @param string $content
    * @param int $pos
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1540
    public randString($length = 6): string Function returns next pseudo random value.
    $arResult['NAV_OBJECT']->randString($length = 6)
    * Function returns next pseudo random value.
    * @param int $length
    * @return string
    * @see \Bitrix\Main\Type\RandomSequence::randString
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1568
    public setFrameMode($mode): void Marks a component as capable of composite mode. You should use is to mark a whol...
    * Marks a component as capable of composite mode.
    * You should use is to mark a whole component as
    * composite incompatible.
    * @param bool $mode
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1587
    public getFrameMode()
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1595
    public getRealFrameMode()
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1605
    public getDefaultFrameMode()
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1610
    protected listKeysSignedParameters(): null|array List of keys of parameters which the component have to sign,
    * List of keys of parameters which the component have to sign,
    * @return null|array
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:308
    final protected __includeComponent(): mixed Function includes component.php file thus executing the component. Returns what ...
    * Function includes component.php file thus executing the component. Returns what component.php returns.
    * <p>Before include there is some helper variables made available for component.php scope.</p>
    * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p>
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:575
    private storeSignedParameters(array $params): $this Sings and stores parameters.
    * Sings and stores parameters.
    * @param array $params Parameters of component.
    * @return $this
    * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:296
    final private __getClassForPath($componentPath): string Function returns class name of the component by it's path.
    * Function returns class name of the component by it's path.
    * <p>At first class.php is checked and if exists then included.
    * Then if there is subsclass of CBitrixComponent found? it's name is returned.</p>
    * @param string $componentPath
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:405
    final public static includeComponentClass($componentName): string Function includes class of the component by component name bitrix:component.base
    * Function includes class of the component by component name bitrix:component.base
    * @param string $componentName
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:389
    final public static clearComponentCache($componentName, $siteId = ''): void Function clears entire component cache.
    \CBitrixComponent::clearComponentCache($componentName, $siteId = '')
    * Function clears entire component cache.
    * <p>Note: parameters must exactly match to startResultCache call.</p>
    * @param string $componentName
    * @param string $siteId
    * @return void
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1235
    private static increaseComponentCounter($componentName, $counter = 1)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1548
  • private static $__componentCounter :: array (15)
    bitrix:menu => integer 3
    dev:compare => integer 1
    dev:favorites => integer 1 => integer 1
    dev:personal.auth => integer 1
    dev:base.component => integer 3 => integer 1
    dev:base.list => integer 2
    dev:banner => integer 12
    dev:search => integer 1
    bitrix:breadcrumb => integer 1
    dev:base.router => integer 1
    dev:news => integer 1
    dev:news.list => integer 1
    bitrix:system.pagenavigation => integer 1
    private static $__classes_map :: array (14)
    /bitrix/components/bitrix/menu => string (20) "CBitrixMenuComponent"
    • Base64
    • base64_decode(/bitrix/components/bitrix/menu) binary string (14)
    /local/components/dev/compare => string (16) "CompareComponent"
    • Base64
    • base64_decode(/local/components/dev/compare) binary string (11)
    /local/components/dev/favorites => string (18) "FavoritesComponent"
    /local/components/dev/ => string (18) "BasketTopComponent"
    /local/components/dev/personal.auth => string (21) "PersonalAuthComponent"
    /local/components/dev/base.component => string (13) "BaseComponent"
    /local/components/dev/ => string (18) "CatalogSectionMenu"
    /local/components/dev/search => string (15) "SearchComponent"
    /bitrix/components/bitrix/breadcrumb => string (0) ""
    /local/components/dev/base.router => string (19) "BaseRouterComponent"
    /local/components/dev/news => string (13) "NewsComponent"
    /local/components/dev/base.list => string (17) "BaseListComponent"
    /local/components/dev/news.list => string (17) "NewsListComponent"
    /bitrix/components/bitrix/system.pagenavigation => string (0) ""
    private static $classes :: array (12)
    CBitrixMenuComponent => boolean true
    CompareComponent => boolean true
    FavoritesComponent => boolean true
    BasketTopComponent => boolean true
    PersonalAuthComponent => boolean true
    BaseComponent => boolean true
    CatalogSectionMenu => boolean true
    SearchComponent => boolean true
    BaseRouterComponent => boolean true
    NewsComponent => boolean true
    BaseListComponent => boolean true
    NewsListComponent => boolean true
NAV_RESULT => CIBlockResult (51)
  • Properties (51)
  • Available methods (38)
  • public arIBlockMultProps -> array (0)
    public arIBlockConvProps -> array (1)
    PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => array (2)
    ConvertFromDB => array (2)
    0 => string (19) "CIBlockPropertyDate"
    1 => string (13) "ConvertFromDB"
    PROPERTY => array (29)
    ID => string (4) "DATE"
    TIMESTAMP_X => string (19) "2024-11-07 20:39:19"
    IBLOCK_ID => string (2) "41"
    NAME => UTF-8 string (4) "Дата"
    ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
    SORT => string (3) "500"
    CODE => string (4) "DATE"
    DEFAULT_VALUE => null
    PROPERTY_TYPE => string (1) "S"
    ROW_COUNT => string (1) "1"
    COL_COUNT => string (2) "30"
    LIST_TYPE => string (1) "L"
    MULTIPLE => string (1) "N"
    XML_ID => string (0) ""
    FILE_TYPE => string (0) ""
    MULTIPLE_CNT => string (1) "5"
    TMP_ID => null
    LINK_IBLOCK_ID => string (1) "0"
    WITH_DESCRIPTION => string (1) "N"
    SEARCHABLE => string (1) "N"
    FILTRABLE => string (1) "N"
    IS_REQUIRED => string (1) "Y"
    VERSION => string (1) "1"
    USER_TYPE => string (4) "Date"
    HINT => string (0) ""
    ORIG_ID => string (4) "5027"
    IS_CODE_UNIQUE => boolean true
    IS_VERSION_MIXED => boolean false
    public arIBlockAllProps -> array (0)
    public arIBlockNumProps -> array (0)
    public arIBlockLongProps -> array (0)
    public nInitialSize -> null
    public table_id -> null
    public strDetailUrl -> boolean false
    public strSectionUrl -> boolean false
    public strListUrl -> boolean false
    public arSectionContext -> boolean false
    public bIBlockSection -> boolean false
    public nameTemplate -> string (0) ""
    public _LAST_IBLOCK_ID -> string (2) "41"
    public _FILTER_IBLOCK_ID -> array (1)
    41 => boolean true
    public result -> mysqli_result (5)
    • Properties (5)
    • Available methods (14)
    • Iterator
    • public current_field -> null
      public field_count -> null
      public lengths -> null
      public num_rows -> null
      public type -> null
    • public __construct()
      new \mysqli_result()
      public close()
      public free()
      public data_seek($offset)
      public fetch_field()
      public fetch_fields()
      public fetch_field_direct($field_nr)
      public fetch_all($result_type)
      public fetch_array($result_type)
      public fetch_assoc()
      public fetch_object($class_name, array $params)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->result->fetch_object($class_name, array $params)
      public fetch_row()
      public field_seek($field_nr)
      public free_result()
    • mysqli_result Iterator Contents Blacklisted
      iterator_to_array($arResult['NAV_RESULT']->result, true)
    public arResult -> array (1)
    0 => array (56)
    PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => string (10) "2025-01-22"
    PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE_ID => string (10) "1017575495"
    2002-03-31 11:51:35 UTC
    ID => string (9) "808571367"
    1995-08-16 11:09:27 UTC
    TIMESTAMP_X => string (19) "13.01.2025 15:40:00"
    TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX => string (10) "1736772000"
    2025-01-13 12:40:00 UTC
    MODIFIED_BY => string (3) "121"
    DATE_CREATE => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:21:07"
    DATE_CREATE_UNIX => string (10) "1736756467"
    2025-01-13 08:21:07 UTC
    CREATED_BY => string (3) "123"
    IBLOCK_ID => string (2) "41"
    IBLOCK_SECTION_ID => string (5) "18097"
    ACTIVE => string (1) "Y"
    ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
    ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
    DATE_ACTIVE_FROM => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:19:00"
    DATE_ACTIVE_TO => string (19) "22.01.2025 11:19:00"
    SORT => string (3) "500"
    NAME => UTF-8 string (50) "АО «Астрал СНГ» на конференции Pool M Russia 2025 "
    PREVIEW_PICTURE => string (8) "12042079"
    PREVIEW_TEXT => string (0) ""
    PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
    DETAIL_PICTURE => null
    DETAIL_TEXT => string (0) ""
    DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE => string (4) "text"
    WF_STATUS_ID => string (1) "1"
    WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID => null
    WF_NEW => null
    LOCK_STATUS => string (5) "green"
    rgb(0, 128, 0)
    hsl(120, 100%, 25%)
    WF_LOCKED_BY => null
    WF_DATE_LOCK => null
    WF_COMMENTS => null
    IN_SECTIONS => string (1) "Y"
    SHOW_COUNTER => string (2) "11"
    SHOW_COUNTER_START => string (19) "13.01.2025 11:30:15"
    SHOW_COUNTER_START_X => string (19) "2025-01-13 11:30:15"
    CODE => string (48) "ao-astral-sng-na-konferentsii-pool-m-russia-2025"
    TAGS => string (0) ""
    XML_ID => string (1) "1"
    EXTERNAL_ID => string (1) "1"
    TMP_ID => string (1) "0"
    USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (41) "( Александр Фисенко"
    LOCKED_USER_NAME => null
    CREATED_USER_NAME => UTF-8 string (36) "( Мария Гусева"
    LANG_DIR => string (1) "/"
    LID => string (2) "s1"
    IBLOCK_TYPE_ID => string (10) "ASTRALPOOL"
    IBLOCK_CODE => string (0) ""
    IBLOCK_NAME => UTF-8 string (8) "Дайджест"
    IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID => string (0) ""
    DETAIL_PAGE_URL => string (38) "/digest/#SECTION_CODE#/#ELEMENT_CODE#/"
    LIST_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
    CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => string (0) ""
    CREATED_DATE => string (10) "2025.01.13"
    BP_PUBLISHED => string (1) "Y"
    public arReplacedAliases -> null
    public arResultAdd -> boolean false
    public bNavStart -> boolean true
    public bShowAll -> boolean true
    public NavNum -> integer 1
    public NavPageCount -> double 1
    public NavPageNomer -> integer 1
    public NavPageSize -> integer 100
    public NavShowAll -> boolean false
    public NavRecordCount -> string (1) "1"
    public bFirstPrintNav -> boolean true
    public PAGEN -> integer 1
    public SIZEN -> integer 100
    public SESS_SIZEN -> null
    public SESS_ALL -> null
    public SESS_PAGEN -> null
    public add_anchor -> string (0) ""
    public bPostNavigation -> boolean false
    public bFromArray -> boolean false
    public bFromLimited -> boolean true
    public sSessInitAdd -> string (0) ""
    public nPageWindow -> integer 5
    public nSelectedCount -> string (1) "1"
    public arGetNextCache -> array (56)
    PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE => boolean false
    PROPERTY_DATE_VALUE_ID => boolean false
    ID => boolean false
    TIMESTAMP_X => boolean false
    TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX => boolean false
    MODIFIED_BY => boolean false
    DATE_CREATE => boolean false
    DATE_CREATE_UNIX => boolean false
    CREATED_BY => boolean false
    IBLOCK_ID => boolean false
    IBLOCK_SECTION_ID => boolean false
    ACTIVE => boolean false
    ACTIVE_FROM => boolean false
    ACTIVE_TO => boolean false
    DATE_ACTIVE_FROM => boolean false
    DATE_ACTIVE_TO => boolean false
    SORT => boolean false
    NAME => boolean false
    PREVIEW_PICTURE => boolean false
    PREVIEW_TEXT => boolean true
    PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE => boolean false
    DETAIL_PICTURE => boolean false
    DETAIL_TEXT => boolean true
    DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE => boolean false
    SEARCHABLE_CONTENT => boolean false
    WF_STATUS_ID => boolean false
    WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID => boolean false
    WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID => boolean false
    WF_NEW => boolean false
    LOCK_STATUS => boolean false
    WF_LOCKED_BY => boolean false
    WF_DATE_LOCK => boolean false
    WF_COMMENTS => boolean false
    IN_SECTIONS => boolean false
    SHOW_COUNTER => boolean false
    SHOW_COUNTER_START => boolean false
    SHOW_COUNTER_START_X => boolean false
    CODE => boolean false
    TAGS => boolean false
    XML_ID => boolean false
    EXTERNAL_ID => boolean false
    TMP_ID => boolean false
    USER_NAME => boolean false
    LOCKED_USER_NAME => boolean false
    CREATED_USER_NAME => boolean false
    LANG_DIR => boolean false
    LID => boolean false
    IBLOCK_TYPE_ID => boolean false
    IBLOCK_CODE => boolean false
    IBLOCK_NAME => boolean false
    IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID => boolean false
    DETAIL_PAGE_URL => boolean false
    LIST_PAGE_URL => boolean false
    CANONICAL_PAGE_URL => boolean false
    CREATED_DATE => boolean false
    BP_PUBLISHED => boolean false
    public bDescPageNumbering -> boolean false
    public arUserFields -> boolean false
    public usedUserFields -> boolean false
    public SqlTraceIndex -> boolean false
    public DB -> CDatabase (26)
    • Properties (26)
    • Available methods (65)
    • Static class properties
    • public db_Conn -> &mysqli (18)
      • Properties (18)
      • Available methods (43)
      • public affected_rows -> null
        public client_info -> null
        public client_version -> null
        public connect_errno -> null
        public connect_error -> null
        public errno -> null
        public error -> null
        public error_list -> null
        public field_count -> null
        public host_info -> null
        public info -> null
        public insert_id -> null
        public server_info -> null
        public server_version -> null
        public sqlstate -> null
        public protocol_version -> null
        public thread_id -> null
        public warning_count -> null
      • public autocommit($mode)
        public savepoint($name)
        public real_connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $flags)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->real_connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $flags)
        public real_escape_string($string_to_escape)
        public reap_async_query()
        public escape_string($string_to_escape)
        public real_query($query)
        public release_savepoint($name)
        public rollback($flags, $name)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->rollback($flags, $name)
        public select_db($database)
        public prepare($query)
        public set_charset($charset)
        public set_opt($option, $value)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->set_opt($option, $value)
        public ssl_set($key, $cert, $certificate_authority, $certificate_authority_path, $cipher)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->ssl_set($key, $cert, $certificate_authority, $certificate_authority_path, $cipher)
        public stat()
        public stmt_init()
        public store_result($flags)
        public thread_safe()
        public use_result()
        public query($query, $resultmode)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->query($query, $resultmode)
        public ping()
        public begin_transaction($flags, $name)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->begin_transaction($flags, $name)
        public get_client_info()
        public change_user($user, $password, $database)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->change_user($user, $password, $database)
        public character_set_name()
        public close()
        public commit($flags, $name)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->commit($flags, $name)
        public connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
        public dump_debug_info()
        public debug($debug_options)
        public get_charset()
        public get_connection_stats()
        public get_server_info()
        public get_warnings()
        public init()
        public kill($connection_id)
        public multi_query($query)
        public __construct($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
        new \mysqli($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
        public more_results()
        public next_result()
        public options($option, $value)
        $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->db_Conn->options($option, $value)
        public refresh($options)
        public static poll(array &$read, array &$write, array &$error, $sec, $usec)
        \mysqli::poll(array &$read, array &$write, array &$error, $sec, $usec)
      public version -> null
      public escL -> string (1) "`"
      public escR -> string (1) "`"
      public alias_length -> integer 256
      public DBName -> string (13) "itsngastr2_bx"
      public DBHost -> string (9) "localhost"
      public DBLogin -> string (13) "itsngastr2_bx"
      public DBPassword -> string (11) "!2e3r3efrde"
      public bConnected -> boolean true
      public debug -> boolean false
      public DebugToFile -> null
      public ShowSqlStat -> null
      public db_Error -> string (0) ""
      public db_ErrorSQL -> null
      public result -> null
      public type -> string (5) "MYSQL"
      public column_cache -> array (0)
      public bModuleConnection -> null
      public bNodeConnection -> null
      public node_id -> null
      public obSlave -> null
      public cntQuery -> integer 0
      public timeQuery -> integer 0
      public arQueryDebug -> array (0)
      public sqlTracker -> null
    • public ConnectInternal()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:17
      public LastID()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:60
      public ForSql($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->ForSql($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:66
      public ForSqlLike($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->ForSqlLike($strValue, $iMaxLength0)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:84
      public GetTableFields($table)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:102
      public GetVersion()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:25
      public StartTransaction()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:45
      public Commit()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:50
      public Rollback()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:55
      public Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword, $connectionName = '')
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword, $connectionName = '')
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:61
      public Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:83
      public Disconnect()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:218
      public DateFormatToDB($format, $field = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->DateFormatToDB($format, $field = false)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:263
      public DateToCharFunction($strFieldName, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false, $bSearchInSitesOnly = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->DateToCharFunction($strFieldName, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false, $bSearchInSitesOnly = false)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:323
      public CharToDateFunction($strValue, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->CharToDateFunction($strValue, $strType = 'FULL', $lang = false)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:347
      public DatetimeToTimestampFunction($fieldName)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:363
      public DatetimeToDateFunction($strValue)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:378
      public CompareDates($date1, $date2)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->CompareDates($date1, $date2)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:386
      public PrepareFields($strTableName, $strPrefix = 'str_', $strSuffix = '')
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareFields($strTableName, $strPrefix = 'str_', $strSuffix = '')
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:404
      public PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:428
      public PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false, $strTableAlias = '')
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir = '', $lang = false, $strTableAlias = '')
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:495
      public PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, &$arBinds, $strTableAlias = '')
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, &$arBinds, $strTableAlias = '')
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:501
      public Insert($table, $arFields, $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $EXIST_ID = '', $ignore_errors = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Insert($table, $arFields, $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $EXIST_ID = '', $ignore_errors = false)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:563
      public Update($table, $arFields, $WHERE = '', $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $ignore_errors = false, $additional_check = true)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Update($table, $arFields, $WHERE = '', $error_position = '', $DEBUG = false, $ignore_errors = false, $additional_check = true)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:602
      public Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields = array(), $strFileDir = '', $ignore_errors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields = array(), $strFileDir = '', $ignore_errors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:645
      public TopSql($strSql, $nTopCount)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->TopSql($strSql, $nTopCount)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:664
      public InitTableVarsForEdit($tablename, $strIdentFrom = 'str_', $strIdentTo = 'str_', $strSuffixFrom = '', $bAlways = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->InitTableVarsForEdit($tablename, $strIdentFrom = 'str_', $strIdentTo = 'str_', $strSuffixFrom = '', $bAlways = false)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:675
      public GetTableFieldsList($table)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:697
      public LockTables($str)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:704
      public UnLockTables()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:710
      public Concat()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:715
      public IsNull($expression, $result)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->IsNull($expression, $result)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:724
      public Length($field)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:729
      public ToChar($expr, $len0)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->ToChar($expr, $len0)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:734
      public TableExists($tableName)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:739
      public GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:754
      public Instr($str, $toFind)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Instr($str, $toFind)
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:787
      public StartUsingMasterOnly()
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:57
      public StopUsingMasterOnly()
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:62
      public GetDBNodeConnection($node_id, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $bCheckStatus = true): boolean|CDatabase
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->GetDBNodeConnection($node_id, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $bCheckStatus = true)
      * @param string $node_id
      * @param boolean $bIgnoreErrors
      * @param boolean $bCheckStatus
      * @return boolean|CDatabase
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:74
      public DoConnect($connectionName = '')
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->DoConnect($connectionName = '')
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:186
      public startSqlTracker()
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:263
      public GetNowFunction()
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:273
      public GetNowDate()
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:278
      public Substr($str, $from, $length = null)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->Substr($str, $from, $length = null)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:289
      public QueryBind($strSql, $arBinds, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->QueryBind($strSql, $arBinds, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:376
      public QueryLong($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->QueryLong($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:381
      public ParseSqlBatch($strSql, $bIncremental = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->ParseSqlBatch($strSql, $bIncremental = false)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:392
      public RunSQLBatch($filepath, $bIncremental = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->RunSQLBatch($filepath, $bIncremental = false)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:505
      public IsDate($value, $format = false, $lang = false, $format_type = 'SHORT')
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->IsDate($value, $format = false, $lang = false, $format_type = 'SHORT')
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:534
      public GetErrorMessage()
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:540
      public GetErrorSQL()
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:550
      public DDL($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->DDL($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = '', $arOptions = array())
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:560
      public addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $node_id0)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $node_id0)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:570
      public addDebugTime($index, $exec_time)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->addDebugTime($index, $exec_time)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:583
      public IndexExists($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
      $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->DB->IndexExists($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:593
      protected QueryInternal($strSql)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:45
      protected GetError()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:50
      protected DisconnectInternal($resource)
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:55
      protected getThreadId()
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:155
      public static CurrentTimeFunction()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:253
      public static CurrentDateFunction()
      Inherited from CDatabaseMysql
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:258
      public static GetModuleConnection($module_id, $bModuleInclude = false): bool|CDatabase Returns module database connection. Can be used only if module supports sharding...
      \CAllDatabase::GetModuleConnection($module_id, $bModuleInclude = false)
      * Returns module database connection.
      * Can be used only if module supports sharding.
      * @param string $module_id
      * @param bool $bModuleInclude
      * @return bool|CDatabase
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:148
      public static DateFormatToPHP($format)
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:311
      public static FormatDate($strDate, $format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS', $new_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS')
      \CAllDatabase::FormatDate($strDate, $format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS', $new_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS')
      Inherited from CAllDatabase
      Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php:321
    • public static $arNodes :: array (0)
    public NavRecordCountChangeDisable -> boolean false
    public is_filtered -> boolean false
    public nStartPage -> integer 1
    public nEndPage -> double 1
    public resultObject -> null
  • public __construct($res = null)
    new \CIBlockResult($res = null)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:27
    public CIBlockResult($res)
    * @deprected
    * @param $res
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:37
    public SetUrlTemplates($DetailUrl = '', $SectionUrl = '', $ListUrl = '')
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->SetUrlTemplates($DetailUrl = '', $SectionUrl = '', $ListUrl = '')
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:42
    public SetSectionContext($arSection)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:49
    public SetIBlockTag($iblock_id)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:65
    public SetNameTemplate($nameTemplate)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:80
    public Fetch()
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:85
    public GetNext($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->GetNext($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:260
    public GetNextElement($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->GetNextElement($bTextHtmlAuto = true, $use_tilda = true)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:406
    public SetTableID($table_id)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:418
    public NavStart($nPageSize = 20, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->NavStart($nPageSize = 20, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:423
    public GetNavPrint($title, $show_allways = true, $StyleText = '', $template_path = false, $arDeleteParam = false)
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->GetNavPrint($title, $show_allways = true, $StyleText = '', $template_path = false, $arDeleteParam = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/iblockresult.php:446
    public CDBResult($res = null)
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->CDBResult($res = null)
    /** @deprecated */
    Inherited from CDBResult
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:169
    public SelectedRowsCount()
    Inherited from CDBResult
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:179
    public AffectedRowsCount()
    Inherited from CDBResult
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:190
    public FieldsCount()
    Inherited from CDBResult
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:206
    public FieldName($iCol)
    Inherited from CDBResult
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:214
    public DBNavStart()
    Inherited from CDBResult
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php:220
    public CDBResultMysql($res = null)
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->CDBResultMysql($res = null)
    /** @deprecated */
    Inherited from CDBResultMysql
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:803
    public NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams, $bIgnoreErrors = false)
    Inherited from CDBResultMysql
    Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php:871
    public CAllDBResult($res = null)
    $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->CAllDBResult($res = null)